


Any mackinaw fans out there? These were caught (and killed) at Flaming Gorge Reservoir. They were not released, but rather grilled and enjoyed.

I caught the smaller of the two (my life story). Both were caught through the ice on big jigs.
I like to grill fish too! You should see the looks people give Me when I keep a fat largemouth. Nice pic,s
I would be happy to catch the smaller one any day.
Did you get your Monster Muley handle(name) from the Blackrock Canyon a few miles SE of Pocatello?
I did name myself after that canyon. I loved to look for sheds there. I found a few dandies within spitting distance of the roads. In fact I've found four matched sets on one hill. Do you hang out there much?
I wouldn't say that I spend much time in Blackrock Canyon but I did pick up a few antlers there a couple weeks ago. In my opinion that area is over run with antler hunters but I haven't ever gone antler hunting in Utah so I probably don't really know what crowded is. LOL
very nice fish. I like to go to Jackson lake some. I caught a 35 lb mack there several years ago.

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