Mac or PC?


Long Time Member
My old PC is about dead in the water. I need to replace it and I'm thinking about going to a Mac. A I've paid a couple hundred bucks for tuneups and cleaning virus's off that somehow get past my virus and spyware programs. Anybody here have any experience with a Mac? Is it really virus free and not have all the windows problems? I am really sick of farting around with this PC and windows.


I've owned Mac's since the spring off 1984, haven't had a virus since 1991, haven't used virus blockers since the early 90's. I over-see 2000 +/- Macs, the only virus I've ever seen was a mild distraction with Microsoft Office macros 6 or 7 years ago. I have no love for Apple as a company but their products offer some benefits, being ignored by the worm/virus creeps is one of them.

If you are willing to pay for the mac, and get used to a new user interface they offer some great benefits... I had a macbook pro for about a year, and enjoyed it. There are some issues with compatibility that can be overcome with a little work. I now have a PC and like it a little better. More cost effective, and more what I am used to as far as a user interface goes. You can keep them pretty protected with most of the free Anti Virus and Anti Spyware programs out there as long as you keep the definitions up to date. The ones I have used (and have liked) are AVG, Avast, Spybot Search and Destroy. I haven't had any problems with viruses as long as I keep those up to date, and make sure my surfing habits are good.
BUY A MAC!!!! I run a 24" iMac that I bought 2 years ago and will never buy another pc again! I do everything with it, even program and record multitrack music. I have never had as much as a single glitch, shut down or virus on it. I can't say enough good stuff about it. You won't be sorry.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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