lve2143's Big Day


Long Time Member
Lar has had a pretty ugly football bowl season so far with Texas and TCU getting beat up on. Usually I'm a big fan of rooting against Texas teams but today I'm hoping for a Cowboys's win. So, Lar, Good luck. Me and the Spark are just about out the door for a walk somewhere east of the Bookcliff's. The rifle is goin along too so we hope to drop a yellow dog.

Any Team but The Bolts!
Good luck to you fellas but i've never been a fan of "Americas Team". Even going way back, they were always the enemy and certain personalities on that team keep me from changing my views.

I hope it's a great game and the "old one" leads his team to victory!! :)

I think Larry is going to need a care package after how Romo is playing today....

What can I send you that will cheer you up Lar????


Jump on a man, when he's down....

I thought better of you Brother,
and then my Old Buddy, 257Tony sticks
it in my eye........

nearly to much to deal with......

You boy's are Exactly correct.
I Stand Beat' a Red'head stepchild.

I BOW in you're direction. (I have my back
to you, Fred).

Cowboys smell'd up the place.
Go Vikes...

.....and by the way Fred,
you've NEVER seen me root
for UT.

Get you're chit straight sir.


I hope you know my comments were in jest. I missed the game, my walk in the Bookcliffs was so much fun I made a full day of it, much better than a day of football.

At least your team made it to the playoffs and is likely to again next year, I'm afraid my McDonkey's are going to be down for a few more years.

Knowing very little of Texas I assumed, wrongly, that Texans would root for a National Championship. I guess I understand as I am never going to root for Boulder.


I know EXACTly where your comments come
from. Tony as well.

I'll worry when you'boys stop mess'n with me.

Come see me Fred.

Invitation is alway's open.....


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