Lunch in Bako!


Long Time Member
So I take the wifey to Bakersfield for an exam she has to take at Bakersfield College for the nursing program. Bako is about and hour south of where I live and we had to be there early so I had to get up early which made me a little grumpy. So I have no idea how long this test is gonna take her so I sit in the car in the BC parking lot waiting for her. She finally gets done about 3 1/2 hours later and I am starving and she is as well and we are both thinkin' mexican food. Well to me Bako is pretty much a shyt hole, so I don't get down there very often, so I figure if I drive around a while I will find a mexican joint for lunch. Well after driving for like 20 minutes, we decide to go to the aquarium store first cause we need some stuff for the reef tank and we figure we could ask Dr. Dee where there is a mexican restaraunt. We get our stuff and Dr. Dee says the closest place is a place called Mexicali West about a mile or so away. So we pull up to Mexicali West, and from the outside it looks like one step up from Taco Bell, but what the hell we're hungry. So we walk in, and are immediately gazed upon like we are complete social outcasts and the homo dude asks if he can help us. I say, "How about a table for two." He says, "I'll be right back sir." So I'm looking around while waiting and notice that there is more elderly people there eating than younger folks like us, but I chalk it up to retirees having lunch, and figure most younger folks would be working. Anyway, this dude comes out, and he's prolly a fairy too but he says ver loudly "Sir we have a dress code here and we don't allow tank tops, and if you want to eat here you'll have to put on one of our shirts over your tank top." Well now after he pretty much yells all of this, the whole restaraunt is staring at us. My mind works very fast shuffling all of my options here, and like a slot machine it stops on KICK DUDES ASS. My wife, having been married to me for almost 15 years knows exactly where my slot machine has stopped and quickly grabs my arm. She knows I am not particularly fond of homos and especially a homo that would embarass me in front of all those people. Luckily she's about the only person on this planet who can control me and she turns me around and we head for the door. She turns back and makes dude tell her where another restaraunt might be and we leave. Now I've been to a few fancy restauraunts in my day and the ones I've been to actually look fancy on the outside. If I would have driven up to that place and thought for one second it was an upper scale restaraunt, I would have never got out of the car. But that place doesn't look fancy at all, and like I said maybe one step up from Taco Bell. I also thought, good God this place must be raking in the dough, to be turning people's money away in this economy. If that dude would have came up to me and QUIETLY told us of their "dress code", I would have not had a problem and left quietly. But no he had to draw everyone's attention to us. Have any of you Bako boys ever eaten there? What the hell do they have, Tacos Flambet or Chalupas and caviar or something.

Just venting!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!
If Bako is an hour South of you, then you must live in the area of Shafter, Wasco, Delano talk about $hit holes. Your from the Valley and should know not to go to Mexicali to have Mexican food! Great story though. Will be in Bako 8th-19th hog hunting. HPOE YOUR WIFE'S TEST WENT WELL

>If Bako is an hour South
>of you, then you must
>live in the area of
>Shafter, Wasco, Delano talk about
>$hit holes. Your from the
>Valley and should know not
>to go to Mexicali to
>have Mexican food! Great story
>though. Will be in
>Bako 8th-19th hog hunting. HPOE

Actually no, I'm in Porterville about 50 miles north and yes it is a shyt hole. I had never heard of Mexicali until then and yes the wifey passed her test and in two years she'll be a RN and making good money for me! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Been there plenty of times and I never knew they had a dress code...certainly not one that would be hard to comply guess is the porterville hillbilly stunk or something.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON May-31-09 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]Jef;

Do not bad mouth those Porterville rednecks. As a teenager I remember my buddy and I going to Porterville many times to chase the girls.
At lease the girls in Porterville would wave with all five fingers and not one finger like the girls in Bakersfield would!!!
Last time I was in Bakersfield was about 25 years ago and saw smog for the first time. Have not been back since.
Do they still have the National drag races out at the Formosa drag strip?

Anybody who can sit in their car for 3 1/2 hours this time of year in Bakersfield is my hero! One tough SOB!:)

Last time I was in Bakersfield
>was about 25 years ago
>and saw smog for the
>first time. Have not been
>back since.
Do they still have the National
>drag races out at the
>Formosa drag strip?

I'm not positive Bob but I believe Formosa is closed.


OBAMA = One Big Ass Mistake America
That may be the funniest story I've heard on this site. lol Imagine a Mexican restaurant in Bakersfield with a dress code! I think they were profiling you man.
Fomosa is still open and has several meets a year...nostalgia drag meet is the best.....they have a diesel match once a year...very cool...Best thing is it is like the old days...very few rules for the spectators, open pits, pretty much do as you please just don't misbehave.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Yeah that's what I was thinking, a dress code in Bakersfield for a taco joint, you have got to be shytting me! But whatever, I figure if that place goes under because of the economy, I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!

The Vintage Drag races are held there in March of each year.

That is where I first met D13er.........walking around like he was lost. LOL

Not really, I was in the stands and he is talking to me on the cell and walking at the same time. Gee, that was 5 years ago now JB.

"very few rules for the spectators, open pits, pretty much do as you please just don't misbehave."

LOL.. open pits is what got caforkedhorn kicked out of the mexican restaurant .....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Grew up their,left in 1985 for Idaho, Enjoy going back to see the family. You how to tell the difference between Sasquatch and a woman from Porterville, 200 lbs and coors light jacket!
Be blessed my friends!

must be really nice taco bell's in porterville

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>did a search of Bako for
>this place and this in
>a picture of the place......don't
>look run down to me.

Yeah, that's funny do a search of a Big Mac and see how pretty it looks. I said it was a step up from Taco Bell. But the whole point was the ##### being real loud instead of being discreet.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, it's past your bedtime!

Hdude, Jose needs a yob!
Sh!t man, you didn't say it had two doors neither of which was glass! That's a nice place. You need to get outta ... uhhh... where-ever-it-was-that-I-have-never-heard-of that-you-said-you-were-from more often. Jeez man, two wooden doors, everyone should know there is a dress code!
I'm with Caforkedhorn on this one.

I went to junior college in Bakersfield and I don't recall ANY establishment there that ever even had a tooth code, much less a dress code.

Even RED LOBSTER changed their name to BIG FRICKIN' CRAWDAD....cuz nobody there knows what a lobster is.

It is a famous town though. They invented astroturf there. It was necessary, because the hi-school cheerleaders kept eating the football field grass.

You know who the poorest man in Bakersfield is?
The Tooth Fairy.

I could go on and on.
Hey RELH where do you reside in Northern Calif. Anyone who posted want to disclose where they live. Myself Lewiston, Idaho, via Bakersfield the other Palm Springs.

Well I finally made it outta Bako with my sanity partially in tact. Sorry JB, I never got the chance to meet you at Trouts for some beers and all. Maybe next time. BTW I ate at Hungery Hunter in Bako in a tank top and shorts...

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
>Well I finally made it outta
>Bako with my sanity partially
>in tact. Sorry JB, I
>never got the chance to
>meet you at Trouts for
>some beers and a........gunfight!

You guys must be insane!

Even if you count the Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City, no bar on the planet is a more dangerous place than Trout's, in beautiful Oildale, Ca.
Trout's is rough! When I lived there I always read that someone was stabbed or shot inside or out of Trout's.
>Fomosa is still open and has
>several meets a year...nostalgia drag
>meet is the best.....they have
>a diesel match once a
>year...very cool...Best thing is it
>is like the old days...very
>few rules for the spectators,
>open pits, pretty much do
>as you please just don't

That's great that it is still open.. Good strip. We raced there one weekend in 1969 and went back a year or so later and watched the gassers run.. had a blast both times at the strip and off. Longtime ago and back then same rules applied.. Just behave yourself to some degree. Met some good people there both times and had a lot of fun..

Trouts is OK IF YOU BLEND IN I carried a set of "redneck" false teeth (tooth) and a mullet wig. No problems HA HA HA!!!

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain

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