Lunar eclipse


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-10 AT 07:37PM (MST)[p]Lunar eclipse tonight. Starts shortly after 4AM and goes to sunrise if anyone else will be pulling a grave shift. Full eclipse will not be visible in Utah though....probably close on the coast.
I live on the coast. Today, the fog lifted for about an hour this afternoon. We're socked in again, and probably will be until about October.

Well, it is a good show. Nice cool temps out in the yard throwing a tennis ball for the shepherd and talking with Red. A nice cool conclusion to what started off as a hot busy day. I should of brought out a sleeping bag other than the sun will be up in an hour. I shall retreat to the climate controlled house and call it a day I guess.
Saw it just as it was setting in the West...enough daylight that if I had a camera it would of been a neat pic...didn't know it was a lunar eclipse...the wife and I had a spat that morning riding a couple horses cause mine was acting up a little bit..she said it was the full moon...I said "No I seen it and it was a quarter moon"...

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