Lucky Year In NM


Very Active Member
Boy, we have had a great year in NM. Amazing what rain can do. Here's a buck that I watched this summer closly for a long time client. Of course when the season opened he wasn't there. We found him the next day with all the girls. I'll have another huge one, 90 SCI to post here hopefully today that was harvested on our Quay Ranch. We took an 83 Saturday morning about 2 miles from where this one died that I will post ASAP as well. Thank you Lord!!!

For those that love to guess scores, have at it on this one.


All I can say is WOW !! That is a toad.. I hope I see one like that one my hunt in two weeks.. I'll say its gotta be 88 or better.

Confirmed with the SCI scorer that the Quay Buck has no more than 2/8s deducts at this time. That will put him at 89 6/8ths. I'm still waiting on the digital photos. This one is going to be awesome.

The Lovington Buck grosses green 86 1/8. He nets green 85 2/8ths. He's 17.25 and 17.5 in length. Amazing what comes out of big hooks.
This one grosses 90 green. Bases are 7+, 1st qtr 7+, prong 7+, length is 17+/- even on both. Deducts are minor. Enjoy


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