LUCKY, the Turtle


LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-09 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]Lucky The Turtle


Lucky, his front extremities chewed off by what Pyne believes was a raccoon, has been featured far and wide in newspapers and on the Internet since a Rohnert Park veterinarian outfitted his shell with furniture coasters that allow him to scoot around as if he's still a four-legged critter.

More than 66,000 people have viewed a YouTube video showing him with female partner, Lovey, in their Petaluma home.
at first glance it looks like some kind of Box turtle but closer inspection reveals it to be a "slider"
That turtle is now slow enough that even Roy could act all big and tough around it. He never could handle one that was 100%.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
That turtle is now slow enough that even Roy could act all big and tough around it. He never could handle one that was 100%.

Are you sure about that Eel? :)

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