lucked out on moose 24-1



hey guys , i lucked out after 20 yrs of playing the lottery. is any one familiar with 24 and how to go about hunting for moose their? or where i can start my search and scouting? thanks...
Since nobody has answered, I can at least pass on what I know. I hunted 26 several years ago and I started by calling the game biologist for the area. He was very helpful. If you are planning a DIY hunt, I would spend as much time as you can scouting. I found during the rut, the bulls were on the move but they seemed to stay with a hot cow for some time. My area had lots of roads and I covered as much ground as I could. Your area doesn't look like that it has as many roads. I would talk to as many people as you can about past hunts and success, etc. Moose can be high or low. I shot mine in an old burn. You have a rare tag and it may not come around again, so take advantage of your good fortune. Good luck!
As you are aware 24 if basicly all public land. Access is pretty good with roads getting you to alot of the area. If you contact the game warden in Big Piney he can give you information about where he feels the best areas are.
Good luck.
thanks for the reply guys, i am planning on several scouting trips, and biologist, bow hunting and rifle, seen lots of moose thru the years in area but never really pay attension, was always focused on my task at hand... big deer. thanks

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