Lots of turkey this year


Very Active Member
Woods this year were full of birds hears my last bird I got this morning.
I've been hunting turkeys here in California since the late 1970s, and I think the populations now may be the best ever. For a lot of years, we didn't have big numbers of turkeys but good hunting could be found on the right properties, mostly private ranches in the foothills. Now, there are birds nearly everywhere in this state, at least in habitat that will hold turkeys.

I took 4 hunters out for birds this year, including one youth hunter during the early season. All of them had shooting opportunities, though not all of them capitalized on their chance. I finally went out for myself yesterday for the only time this season, and shot a nice longbeard that I'd put two of my guest hunters on, but neither had succeeded in killing him. He was a wise bird, I never heard him gobble on the roost one single time all season, though we saw him regularly and he always roosted in the same huge cottonwood. There were about 1/2 dozen different birds gobbling from the roost yesterday ,but he stayed silent. He never made a peep, even after flying down. When he flew down yesterday, he glided by me at about 10 yards and landed 20 yards away. I let him be for about five minutes, waiting to see if he had a partner but he was alone and when he approached my decoy I decided to take him home with me. It was a very nice way to end what was a wonderful spring turkey season.
>I've seen a ton as well!
> Just don't have any
>interest in hunting them.

If you have ever hunted elk in the rut, called in bulls screaming.
Well turkey hunting is like that only on a smaller scale.
I said the same thing a while back.
Call in a few big toms, give it a try. it will make you a better hunter.
Every morning when I go out to get the paper, I can hear them gobbling not more than 350 yards up on the hill from my house. Have no interest in hunting them anymore but don't mind listening to them.
I have about 10 "couples" of Quail in my back yard every morning and evening feeding off the fresh cut grass of what use to be a lawn. I like to watch them square off when one of the males gets to close to the hen he is "courting"....LOL

I didn't say that I haven't hunted or killed them!
I just don't have any kind of passion for them.
That looks like a sharp set of spurs. As I count them, spurs over an inch appear only once every thirty or so toms. Nice job.
I've chased bulls for over 35 years but never turkey hunted. I've been told numerous times that I'll get hooked. In the past I avoided it because the spring was when I coached my kids and family time. Now, with a new wife, who really wants to kill a turkey, I'm changing my mind. My horseshoe pitching partner got 3 doubles this year with his partner. I think I'll start learning about turkey hunting next year.
Love turkey hunting. Killed a few in my former life while in Kali. Now hunt WY, NE and KS and am addicted. Not unususal to hunt in cold, rain, snow but its hunting/and killing....LOL.

from the "Heartland of wyoming"

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Western Wildlife Adventures

Offering some fine Blacktail Deer hunting, Wild Pig hunts, Turkey hunts and Waterfowl hunts.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer the top private land hunts in all of California, for blacktail deer, elk, pigs, bison and turkeys.

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