LOST Tripod Pine valley unit


Very Active Member
Hey i know its a long shot, but i lost my tripod on the pine valley unit. Lost during the muzzleloader season. If you or anyone you know found one let me know please. It is a compact vortex tripod i think it was a high country model. ( it not a great one but i liked it for packing. I dont know if it fell out of my pack on a 4 wheeler trail,or while i was hiking, or if i just forgot to put it back in my pack when i was finished glassing.
Did it fall off the back of your wheeler while you were Blazin New Trails?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Hahah Elkass ... Good one. I was waiting for u to say something slightly douchebaggish..... but .... in all honesty no bud i was on a legit trail every time i drove the 4 wheeler the whole hunt. Not because I'm worried about habitat degradation but because I am a respectful hunter, and I like hiking. And fyi didn't drive it much. Just enough to get into an area and that's it.
I'm not a lazy hunter like u think. I don't think we need to go Into this any further tho but anyway thanks for the laugh.

Hope u had a good piss cutter hunt!
Lol ox!

Couldn't resist Not RAZZIN you!:D

Never said you were Lazy!

Just Keep it on the Trails!

The Legal Trails!:D

They've pounded Trails & Wheelers in just about anywhere the HandleBars will clear the Trees here where I Hunt!

Was talkin with a Guy I know up on the Mountain this year & He says:

You know what the very worst thing that ever happened?

I said:Ya I know!

He said when every U-TARD in the State got their Fricken Wheelers & started Shreddin the whole South Slope!

This year the USFS went as so Low as they made Legal Trails out of Illegal Blazed Trails & Posted them with Speciffic Numbers,WTF?


When I turn 50 I'm gonna become 100% Road Hunter!

I Ain't got long to go!

And by then You'll be able to drive an ATV in to any Nook & Cranny in the State!

Why Hike when you can Drive,RIGHT?

The Piss Cutter Hunt was Good!

A Couple Gals I know got a couple decent Bucks & a Friend of mine got a decent Buck!

The DEER Huntin SUCKS when it comes to a Big Buck!

Deer Numbers SUCK!

Not sayin there Ain't a few around!

Just sayin the few Big Boys Left are Smart or they die at a Young Age!

How bout in your neck of the woods ox?

I used to know of places worth Hiking in to for Elk & Deer!
Thanks to Illegal Bastards & the USFS not enforcing Rules you can Zing in to them Places on Wheelers now & not see a Damn thing!
But by GAWD it don't take long for them U-Tards to get there with all the Unethical BS and the New Technology!
Oh i knew ud be razzin me about it haha. Eh I actually had a pretty good hunt seen some really nice bucks. My buddy killed a 199 inch buck we have bee chasin for 2 years. I drew back on a 195 inch buck but things didnt work out i coulda flung the arrow but it was a very marginal shot so i passed. got on him a couple more times but just didnt make things work quite riight. Missed. 170 class buck on muzz and didn't have much time to hunt rifle. Got my girlfriend on some noce bucks but ahe couldnt seal the deal. Helped her kill a spoke elk so i had fun. I see a slight prob with 4 wheelers but I've learned to use them to my advantage as much as possible. I get frustrated when people blaze them everywhere during the hunts but I try to think positive and realize that if they were not dumb arses then they would be back where I was hunting the big bucks where I am. So as I sit and glass up 170-190 bucks and I see tards blazing around driving right passed them I can't help but smile. I was gassing one certain ridge where the big buck was and its a nasty nasty ridge and tough to hunt real thick and I was watching a 175 and 195 buck feed and the idiots on wheelers had no idea and I watched a couple jump off the wheeler to try to stalk a 2 pt I couldn't help but be thankful for the web of trails around there. But it was a great year
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