Very Active Member
On February 12 my best friend and brother Brad was taken from us. He was involved in a crash in a powered parachute flying down by the Henrey mounatins. He was making a turn when a down draft forced him into a cliff wall. He was killed upon impact. Brad is survived by his wife and 3 year old daughter.

Brad was an avid outdoorsman. He loved to hunt, fish, shoot, camp. Everyone who knew him loved him. He was the kind of person who was nice to everybody. He has been my best friend for 12 years now and there is hardly a day when we did not talk. About 6 years ago I introduced him to my little sister, they were inseprable from that point, and were married. What could be better than that, your best friend being your brother in law. Brad was a great man.

Brad, you will be terribly missed. I don't know how to say what i'm feeling. Everything I did, or had plans to do revolved around you. I love you so much, my heart is broken. I don't know what to do without you. I know that you are with your ancestors and with God right now. I will take care of your girls for you. Please watch over us, and help me be strong enough to fill the void which we are left with.I know that I will see you again, and just wish that this hurt could be taken from me.
With all the pieces of my broken heart, I love you brother.








May God bless you all. You will be thankful for all the wonderful memories.
TJ, bet he felt the same about you. Time. Time heals the heart. Thankfully, thats how God made us. There are important reasons why we hurt when we lose someone we love however He built-in the way to heal too and time has a great deal to do with it. Right now you and your sister really don't want to feel much but heart ache but it will get better as time forces new experiences into your lives. You sound like you have a very healthy understanding of death, your fortunate, most don't. I can assure you, life can and will be good again, with time. Embraces life and opportunities as you can, it's what our best friends always want for us.

Be sure to stand by your sister, she will need your help for a period of time too. We all feel the loss all with you because we're all built the same. A better day waits you partner, for having had the time you've had with him.

Sorry for your family's lose.Tough times will get easier over time.I am sure he will be looking over you all.Be there for your sis and her baby girl as they will need someone strong to help them along.God bless your family
My condolences.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-11 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]Sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. I hope you get through it okay and that you know you've got prayers going out on your behalf as well as on behalf of your brothers family. I have no doubt that the bond you two built together in the outdoors hunting and fishing will continue. He's still near you and you'll feel him when you are out in the hills doing what you love.

God bless.


Sorry to hear about Brad. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I am grateful for the few times I got to spend with you guys both on and off the mountain.

Me and my family's thoughts and prayers are with you and your family's. I am sorry that such a tragedy has fell upon you, your family and his man!
Sorry to hear about your lose, our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friend's.

We were actually down there this last weekend and seen them flying all around if that was them. We were camped at dandelion flat and they were there friday then they moved camp to coyote benches.

Again very sad tradgedy.
Looks like he lived more life in his short life than many city people ever get to in twice the time.
My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
Sliver, Heart wrenching!!! I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing can be said to bring him back. He died doing what he loved to do. I hope I am as fortunate. Pray, Pray, Pray. After everything else it's all we have....Everyday is opening day where he is now. Take care.
The last paragraph has left me with a lump in my throat as I think about my best friend who is also my brother in law. I hope you find some comfort and remember the good times you shared together.

I offer my deepest condolences, Jason
Sad ,Sad, story..
Just found out today who it was. He has been flying that
chute plane behind my house in central Utah for the last
month or so, His dad bought a neighboring ranch recently..
Hadn't met Brad in person yet, but have met his dad ,Doug.
Sorry to here it was him.

Prayers being sent up from NM. You've got yourself a good group of MM guys and gals behind you brother.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
im sorry i know how you feel I lost my friend two years ago. and it does get a little better not a shed trip or a hunt goes by when I dont see something that makes me smile and know ya thats him and just have to smile. im sorry for your loss
Sad...Sad....Sad....brotha! Boy that tugged on my strings! My deepest condolences are with you & your family & may God bless al lof your, & his family!
Very sorry for your family's loss. He died doing something he loved to do. Remember the good times you guys shared, and be there for his wife and daughter, they will need a lot of support.
As others have said, I can't imagine losing my best friend so early. The words you wrote were amazing and definitely help me to look at the important things in my life. We can all tell that you and Brad were truly brothers and I'm sure he appreciates the tribute you put together for him.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Don't forget that he will always be with you in the field...be sure to ask him for a little help, as I'm sure he now knows where all the big ones are! :)
What a terrible tragedy and one we are all so sad to hear. Life can be so unfair and its results so far reaching, as in this case. The sadness and loss something like this brings is implicit , but most of all, the burden that must be born, by your sister, will be so long lasting to her, his close family and all their close friends. It now is time and obligation for those close to him to validate their friendship with their help and love for your sister and her children. I have no doubt most will excel.

God bless all of you and may your faith and understanding endure.

Best wishes always. Bill Allard
So sorry for your loss. I got a little choked up reading that last paragraph as well. I am glad for you that you can take comfort knowing he is in heaven looking down on you and your family and that you will see him again. Hang in there buddy...
TJ: I am terribly sorry for your loss... I too am heartbroken about this tragedy. I am so so glad that I was one of the many who was able to call Brad a very good friend. There has not been a day yet since this happened Sat. evening, that I have not shed tears about all of this. I still cannot believe he is gone. I too am at a loss to know how to cope with such a tragedy but know I too hope to see my Great friend Brad again.

To all our MM brothers: Thank you all for the kinds words and wonderful thoughts in the behalf of Brad and his family. There is much support and love from people felt on this site.
SLIVER, as I read your post I can feel what a great contribution this man made in your life and the life of many others and I wish you and all those who will feel the ripple affect of this tragic event peace and unconditional love. In tragedy it's always hard to look at the good news, but remember Brad for the man he was, and for keeping his contract to you. That he would find you become your best friend, share the outdoors with you, marry your sister, and give you and your family the niece you all deserved. We are all so closely connected in this world it is crazy. I'm sure all of us remember when those planes hit the twin towers and the fact that we could actually feel the pain of everyone involved. Just like now, we can feel you and your pain. Brother, may the grace of God be with you and your family. Let his memory live on through you and make sure that little girl knows what an amazing man he was.

Justin Richins
R&K Hunting Company Inc.
SLIVER, as I read your post I can feel what a great contribution this man made in your life and the life of many others and I wish you and all those who will feel the ripple affect of this tragic event peace and unconditional love. In tragedy it's always hard to look at the good news, but remember Brad for the man he was, and for keeping his contract to you. That he would find you become your best friend, share the outdoors with you, marry your sister, and give you and your family the niece you all deserved. We are all so closely connected in this world it is crazy. I'm sure all of us remember when those planes hit the twin towers and the fact that we could actually feel the pain of everyone involved. Just like now, we can feel you and your pain. Brother, may the grace of God be with you and your family. Let his memory live on through you and make sure that little girl knows what an amazing man he was.

Justin Richins
R&K Hunting Company Inc.
You and your entire family are in my prayers ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
Hell of a bad deal....TJ, you and your family have been constant in my thoughts the past few days. Doesn't seem fair Brad was taken. My prayers are with you and your family.

Many would look back with regret, wishing there had been more time spent together when they had the chance. Judging by your photos, it appears the two of you were very close.

I'm sorry for your loss.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-11 AT 11:29AM (MST)[p]I am sorry to see you join a small group of us here... I lost my little brother, hunting buddy, friend, and fellow Monster Muley forum member Huntnfever... this last july. My heart grieves with you for what is ahead, and also for what is present. I can tell you it is hard especially when they die young.
all I can tell ya is everyone means well... but it is your grief.. don't bottle it up.. and share the same things with them you always have. This past hunting season was the hardest for me. Once again sorry for your loss and the mourning that will come.


Has anyone seen my kittie?

Im sorry to hear about your brother.I Have also lost a brother like you.With time it will get easier and you and his family will get through it all.Like was said before take care of his wife and girls.You know as well as i that that is what he would want most...My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your familys. You have not lost a huntin partner!! Trust me you will be able to feel his presence on all your huntin trips..Hope this helps,and again sorry it isnt easy thats for sure..Kelly

Sorry for your loss, but remember, don't mourn too long. Instead celebrate his life, the memories you made will last forever. Take care of your sister and that beautiful little niece of yours. Share with her the memories of her daddy and he will live forever in your hearts and minds.

Prayers to the entire family.

Sorry to hear of your family loss. It's never a good thing to lose someone so young and vibrant!
You're in our thoughts and prayers!
TJ, you and your family did an incredible job at the funeral today. What a tribute to Brad and his life. Without a doubt, the best funeral I have ever attended. I'm honored to have you all as friends and am proud of you all for the example you have set for each of us. I only hope that I can live the rest of my life the way Brad, you and your family have lived yours.

Thanks again,

so sorry man! i lost my best hunting partner to and i have never been the same but i know he is always with me on the mountain and so will your friend be with you! peace be with you

I am so sorry. If there was anyway I could fill the hold in your heart I would.

Brad was bigger than life in many ways. We can't replace him.

Please keep inviting me to go with you and your friends. I love being out there with you.

That is so sad dude sorry for your loss. Hopefully you and your family can find peace after that horrible tragety. Keep your head up buddy. Go out and kill ya a slammer buck next year for him.
I rarely check the general forum and this is the first I have heard of this. I am so sorry and you will be in my prayers tonight. That was a beautiful tribute you gave. God bless you and all your family.
TJ, I am very sorry to hear of you and your familys loss...tough deal...My condolences/prayers for you and your family and Brads many friends...I think Brad would cherish your tribute...4finger
I to lost a brad in my life although not a blood brother he was close enough to me not an archery hunt goes by i dont spent the first couple hours crying but i have also had some truely unbelievable experiences that i know he was involved in and right there with me , celebrate his life and do the things you did together and he will never be forgotten!

Thank all of you for your responses. Many of them have touched my heart, and given me great guidance. I am going to miss Brad greatly and he will always influence my life. This tragedy has made me see what things in life are really important, and which thing are trivial. My life has changed, my plans have changed, but I have no regrets. Brad and I did a ton of stuff together the last two years of his life, and I would not trade those memories for anything.

Thank you all again


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