Losing a loved one is tough..


Very Active Member
Just sitting here in the hospital in Salt Lake as my dear dad in law is waiting for his angels to come and take him home.
The memories have been flooding my mind the past couple of days as we endure the pain of losing him. The memories I cherish most with him usually deal with hunting. The many miles of dirt road we have traveled, the many campfires we have shared and the numberous stories that go along with each one are so dear to me.
As some of you remember, we had to give back his Monroe Late LE elk permit last year due to his chemo treatments, and so this year he drew an Early Fishlake LE elk permit, hoping he would be well enough to go and live out his dream of a big bull. To make a long story short, he was doing fairly well and we were just getting to the excitement of preparing for the hunt, when last week he took a turn for the worse, and has steadily went down hill.
Looks like we will be returning another elk permit this year, only to know that he will not be back next year for another round.
I had the chance to talk with him while he could still understand and told him we were still going elk hunting this year. This perked him up and opened his eyes as far as they have been opened for days. He tried to ask "when" and I told him that I wanted him to be with me on my hunt and that he would be the "trigger man" for me when the moment arrived. I assured him that we were going elk hunting one way or another this year and no one was going to prevent him for going.
I could see the love in his eyes and then they slowly returned to their closed position.
That was one of the hardest things I have ever done but I just needed him to know he was still going to be there with me..
So for you guys that are planning on joining me, we now have another member with us, and he will be able to do all the things he hasn't been able to do for years..

May the lord bless you dad..
My prayers are with your father-in-law,you and your family....God will comfort all of you.
Sorry to hear you are going thru that.
I had the "talk" with my mom and dad a few years ago. They died 4 months apart, both were only 69.
It's the hardest thing you will ever do but when they're gone, it's the most rewarding memory you will have.
Rick, I've always prided myself on being tough and you just made me cry! Prayers are sent in your time of need!

I'm very sorry. It is very hard loosing a loved one. My prayers and thoughts to your family Rick.

I was almost at tears also.

rick i went thru the same thing 5 years ago with my father n law. i stood at the foot of his bed and watched him take his las breath. it was one of the hardest things i ever done. my thoughts and prayers are with u and family. and he will be there when u pull the trigger
This is NEVER easy. My sympathies are with you and your family.

Being the oldest member of my family, I have had to go thru it many times.

The memories are all we get to keep......cherish them.
I'm sending a prayer you way, My god Bless ya all.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Prayers sent... I lost both of my parents to cancer and know what you are going through and it's not easy. May he pass peacefully.

I am very sorry to hear about your lost. I am sure your Father-in-law appreciated the fact you were able to comfort him at a time he needed it most.

Your post brought back memories of the many hunts I had with my Father-in-law before he passed away. On every hunt you will find yourself thinking of him and the great times the two of you had. Just pass those memories on to your children about their Grandfather.

You and the family have our prayers and best of wishes.


Sorry to hear about your father in law. I went through it with my father a couple of years ago. We finally drew antelope tags the year he went down hill. He passed a few months before the hunt. I was in the process of turning in his tag when I decided to keep it. There was a stinky goat out there with his name on it and if he didn't shoot then nobody else was going to. I know he was there with me because the way things went down. My hunted started and ended like most of his always seemed to. This is the time table:

8:05 buck spotted
8:07 Multiple shots fired( reloading required)
8:08 Buck down with holes in the guts and honches
8:09 Family friend passes on his nick name of "butt and Guts" to me.

What I am trying to say is remember the good times in the field and around the fire. I didn't even want to go with out him but I finally realized the importance of having my kids experience outdoors with friends and family.

God Bless,

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
I am sorry to hear about your loss, its never easy, I went through the same thing with my Dad 2 years ago, He was my huntin buddy. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. And I hope on your hunt you get a big one for your Trigger Man . May God bless you in your time of need. Becki
I lost my dad during hunting season 2 years ago, so I know (more or less) what you mean. The "go-with-you" message was good.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
sorry to hear it.

like you said , he will be with you this year.

remember old hunting buddies never die- they just get better camo. you might be able to see him, but he'll still be there!
I hear Fishlake is a good tag to have. But - where he is going the hunting is even better. He will not only be along on your hunt this year but all future hunts as well. Never forget.

God bless his soul and prayers to you and his family and friends.
Well the waiting is over. He slipped away about an hour ago and now the healing can begin.
I am so happy to know that he no longer is in the pain and the suffering has ended. He is at peace now.
And he still is hunting the Fishlake this year, but through me and my faith and belief in the lord and his plan.
It will be the first time we have been able to "hunt" together in years...
I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and I know that we are not the only ones that have gone thru these great trials, but it makes it easier when you can share your pain with friends who care...
Thank you all!!
Rest In Peace ol' hunting buddy!
at some point in time, it is likely that we all could share a place around the great camp fire.

condolences to your family, happy hunting to the elder man!

I pray the peace and the comfort of the Lord will sustain you and your family as you mourn and celebrate your father-in-law's passing from this life to the next and the memories of his days with family and friends on this earth.

Your spirit shines through in your healthy, and shared, faith that he will walk the quiet trails of the outdoors on all your future hunts.

God bless you and yours.


Please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time your family's life. I can relate to what you are going through. It seems like just yesterday that we found out my father-in-law had terminal cancer and now he has been gone from this mortal life for two years. It is never easy but the Lord will give you peace and strength to navigate this painful trial. Just hearing your story reminds me of the great times I shared with my father-in-law as it sounds like your relationship was similar to the one I shared with my father-in-law. Be sure to give your wife a big hug and be there for her to lean on in the coming months and days. Be strong in your faith and know that the Lord has better days to come when you can all share in each others company.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-09 AT 02:11AM (MST)[p] Rick you said "I had the chance to talk with him while he could still understand and told him we were still going elk hunting this year. This perked him up and opened his eyes as far as they have been opened for day".

That shows what a great hunter he must have been. It is hard to know what to say but one thought I had while reading the reply's was this.

You may have lost a family member just for now but look at all the support you have from another family.

Rick good luck on your hunt. My condolences to you and your family.
Sorry to hear this Rick,
he was a great man, a pillar in our community, an ode to hard work and fortitude. He will be missed by many.
>And he still is hunting the
>Fishlake this year, but through
>me and my faith and
>belief in the lord and
>his plan.
>It will be the first time
>we have been able to
>"hunt" together in years...


Very sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest to you and your family. As you said his pain is gone and the suffering is over and now he is at peace which is a blessing. We may loose our loved ones but we are able to keep their memories close to our heart and that way they live forever.

Can you imagine not knowing that you may never see a loved one again??? People dont believe there is a heaven and hell and its sad...very sad.

Have peace... knowing you will see your father again. He will be rejoicing at "his" fathers side when you meet them there.

Take care - jeremy
Yes it sucks and there are no words that seem to help. There will always be a void of some kind but just be glad you got to say goodbye. Not everyone gets that chance so take advantage of it. No regrets.
Thanks guys for all the comments and best wishes.
BFE, you are right...we have lost a great man. He was a stake president, the superintendant of schools, a teacher to many and a friend to all. He was a camp host at Fishlake for years and made so many friends from all over the world there thru his thoughfulness and deep sincere love of others.
He spent many years working with and serving the troubled youth in our area and very few people didn't know him in these parts.
Friday night and Saturday will be tough times, but then the healing can begin.
An interesting thing happened the day he passed away. My wife was scheduled for some surgery at 3pm that afternoon. At 11:30 she received a call from the surgical center and they told her they had to postphone her surgery as they were overbooked. My wife would have never been able to live with herself if the surgery had worked out and she would have missed being with her father than night... Does anyone believe that someone isn't watching over us every day? A small miracle and a great blessing for her...
Again thanks to everyone for letting me vent.. I appreciate all of you who are dear friends, and those of you whom I have never met, I hope to someday..
Rick, I'm very saddened to read this about the loss of Beverly's father. My thoughts and prayers are with him, and your family. Hang in there, and remember all the good things about your time with him.

I've been out of town. Sorry to hear that my friend. I know how you feel. I haven't hunted alone for 4 years now. I always have somebody right there by my side. It makes for some pretty special times on mountain. Stay strong my friend because that elk hunt just took on a whole new meaning.

It's always an adventure!!!
Rick, I feel your pain. I lost my step-son last sunday, we are laying him to rest today. it is hard to put into words the emotions and pain involved, watching your loved ones grieve over there husband, father, son, uncle, and friend. it makes you appreciate the time you spent and the memories that you made. the circle of life continues. right now a mother is looking at her new born baby with a lifetime of memories ahead.
it is hard to imagine a life without him, and to watch my wife go thru the hardship of having to plan and organize the ceremony has been the worst week of my life.
treedagain...sorry to hear that about your son in law.... Like I mentioned before, it helps to share your thoughts and let others help you get thru the trials.. Hope all went well and the healing process can begin. We are thru the hard part now and now it just takes time for the hurt to lessen..
A prayer is sent your way..

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