Los er Suns


With the announcement by the Phoenix Suns that their jerseys will sport the title Los Suns at their next playoff game I sent them the following e-mail;

"I am writing to let you know that due to your position on our immigration issue I will no longer be supporting the Los er Suns. I will not be attending any games or watching them on TV. This does not come easy as I have been a fan for over 20 years but I feel very strongly about this issue. Perhaps the team should consider becoming the Los Tijuana suns.
They would be alot better off to stay out of that! Go play basketball and get paid lots of money for it and shut your mouth.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Good call! The immigration issue is ridiculous. Take a look at what happens if you cross the border without the appropriate passport in countries like China, Russia, Cuba, or Iran. Here you get food stamps, welfare and a SS#!
hahaha, it's pretty ridiculous down here in PHX, isn't it!?!?! I agree 100% with you Jazz. The feds dont give a damn cause they don't have half a million illegals running around D.C.

What I find funny is that apparently putting "Los" in front of anything makes it hispanic. Shouldn't it be "Los Sols" or something?

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
And here's mine, sent or posted in various places:

Los Suns Should Move to Hermosillo

I attended the first ever Suns game at the Madhouse on McDowell and became an avid fan. In the past, I've attended at least a dozen games each year and watch every other one on TV.

That all ended today when I heard of Sarver's intent to make a political statement. Go Spurs.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
The Suns translates to Los Soles not Los Sol. And I agree they should stay out of the political stuff.

How about trying to sneak into ole mexico without papers and see what happens to you.
Better yet, try renting a car, in order to do a driving vacation through mexico, even with proper papers and see how many times you are stopped and have to pay a bribe(I mean a fee to local police)in order to continue on your legal trip...

Stop Global Whining
What a goofy move by the Suns. They are entertainers and should stay out of politics.
+1 Guys. It would be a different story if this stunt was in honor of Mexican Americans on Cinco De Mayo. Turning this into a political message over Illegal Immigration has crossed the line for Me as well. A 35 plus Year Fan lost.
This picture was taken the day after the Pinal officer was shot at a protest in Phx.

The hell with the Suns. Whoever came up with that idea in a state where 70% of the people support the new law, is an idiot. All I can say is that I'll be in the Phoenix area twice this year for baseball, and Tucson once, and I have no problem at all with Arizona's new law.

As for that jack*ss holding the poster above who is saying they'll shoot LE officers until they get free, I hope he's the first one to try it, and gets a .40 bullet right between his nipples for his trouble. Douchebags like that should be rounded up and deported immediately for their efforts to subvert the laws of the United States, and Arizona.
What is O'bama, Pelosi and Reid going to do if all the illegals are shipped out of the country? They won't have anybody left to vote for them in the next election.

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