Lope hunt that almost wasn't

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Sorry it has taken so long to post up as I said I would. Finally left last Friday for northern Colo. for a lope hunt. My daughter had some major health issues come up right before we were to leave. She recovered enough that she and my wife said go. So, we went. Arrived in our unit at about 2 am, slept in the truck till daylight. The plan was to drive around the unit scouting both antelope and a place to camp. Saw several antelope right away, we decided they were on private land. Found another bunch just a mile or two away. Worked into rifle rangs and..MISSED. Missed a shot I have made many times. Looked and found more lopes. Now it is my partners turn. We get into range behind some sage and .. HE MISSED!! Followed the lopes for a mile or two or three. My partner finally connected on a 15" goat with 5" prongs. Get his goat packed to the truck and start for our camping spot only to see a lone buck heading into coutry we could drive close to. As we got closer we couldn't decide if he was big enough. My partner said "he has real good hooks, and I think he is hurt". I still can't decide what to do when he gives me a good broadside shot at 300 yds. I take and make the shot. Buck goes down. I walk up to find a buck with one good side and one broken-up side. If my optics had been better I would probably have passed him up. But since he was my first goat, I did ok. Since it was late afternoon and we still hadn't set up camp, we went to town for a motel and headed home. Luckily we got home early as my daughter's health took another bad turn for a day or two. She is recovering better now. Sorry no pics yet. I haven't been able to get them processed yet.

Phantom Hunter
So sorry to hear about your daughter, but glad for you that you spent a couple days afield with a friend.

I'm glad you got to go too! Sometimes the antelope hunt is over almost before it starts. Glad to hear your daughter is doing better. Looking forward to the pics.


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