looking to see goats



I have no points for goats just want to see them in the wild never have where is a good place to start in utah
Willard Peak. Just take a drive up to Inspiration Point. You access the road from Mantua. Take your binos and/or spotting scope. You should find some goats.

Have fun.
Willard is probably the easiest place, but hiking Timp will always get you a view of goats. If you have a good spotting scope you can actually see them on Timp from down in the valley. They are obviously a long way away.
Also plenty of winter viewing opportunities up Little Cottonwood Canyon, and part way up Provo Canyon as well as many other places.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-13 AT 10:17PM (MST)[p]Sorry man,I read "goats" and thought Antelope oh well.
I won't be lucky enough to view goats myself tell the day I start hunting my nanny tag on Willard. My buddy was up scouting again Saturday for me and said he had to see about 150 goats. He got a bunch of good pictures of them

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