Looking for Inexpensive Binoculars...



I know that everyone loves the expensive binoculars, but I can't afford them.

What's the best bang for my buck in the $300/less range? I've searched for demos and am wondering what the hunters on a budget have used and been pleased with.

You don't need to reply to tell me to save an extra few hundred, I know I'd get a lot more for more money.

Just need a decent set for packing around and glassing on deer hunts, nothing special. Not looking to glass miles ahead either.

I've been looking at Pentax, but was wondering if there's something out there that a better quality around the same price?

Looking at 8x42 or 10x42...
If you want a new pair I'd recommend the Vortex Diamondback. They have both 8 and 10 in the 42mm. Great glass. Just under $300 msrp. They are backed by the best warranty in the industry. No questions warranty in my opinion, they really stand behind them.

Or just shop online for a used pair, but I personally like new.
Kowa has some out for $250 that I looked through. I was amazed at what you can get for your money nowadays.
I would try to find a nice used pair of Zen ray ed3 10x43.

Another option is to contact Doug @ Cameraland. He will set you up with the best for your $$!!
Thanks for the suggestions...

I was checking out Pentax, but I'll look at the other suggested. I just have a hard time spending more than what I have listed on binoculars when I can't tell the difference. I know many of you can, but I can't.

Just looking for something waterproof and durable that'll do the job.
You really have to look through them. Your eyes are not the same as the next guys and the best glass for a given price for one, may not be for another.
Look into Sierra Trading Post,I got some Stiener 8x30's for $189,$500 binos. And check Cameraland as stated and Opticsplanet for deals. My pick for best binos for the $ is Alpen Optics. I love my Alpen Apex 10x50's that were way less $300. And I got a Alpen spotter for $100,demos.
If you can spend an extra $75 I'll sell you a pair of Vortex Vipers, 10x42 for $375. They are used but in great condition. They are backed by Vortex's lifetime warranty, which is transferable. Let me know if you're interested.
LAST EDITED ON May-03-12 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]>I would try to find a
>nice used pair of Zen
>ray ed3 10x43.

Exactly what I was going to recommend. Also, the guys offer on the Vortex Vipers would be a good deal too.

I know more about $300 or less binos than anyone! I'm kidding!

I'll tell you this, I bought some Minox a year or so back, for my wife. They were around $240! 10x42's, and they av amazing. Hard to tell the difference between these and my older swaro slc's. Very good quality IMO!
+1 on the minox! For the price they can't be beat, far better than the pentax. Call doug at cameraland he is very helpful and will give you the best advice and help he can for what your looking for.

I just call em as I see em!
I have pair of nikon 10x42 monarchs, they are light weight and very clear. Got them on sale at cabelas for $275. You also might want to look at redfield the reviews on them are good, I own 2 redfield scopes and the clarity is awesome.

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