Looking for any advice on scouting for the Southwest Desert hunt


LAST EDITED ON May-20-15 AT 09:50AM (MST)[p]I was lucky enough this year to draw the archery Southwest Desert tag with only two points! I wasn't expecting to draw out for a several more years and haven't spent any time on the unit. I am planning three or four scouting trips over the summer and want to make the most of them.

Looking for any advice on scouting tactics...

What type of terrain/cover should I be scouting?
What elevation should I focus on?
Are there many natural springs at higher elevations or is most of the water from guzzlers?
How difficult is it to locate elk?
Are there any areas that can't be accessed by truck or ATV and have to be hiked into?
Any tips on where to start or any other information would be appreciated.

I'm in Salt Lake. If anybody out there has a deer or elk (archery or rifle) tag and is planning on doing some scouting let me know, maybe we could help each other out and/or split some gas.

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