LOOKING for a GAME ranch.



Does anyone know a Good GAME ranch to hunt ? I don't mind spending the Money, Heck, I whipe with $20 bills.... but I'm looking for a place that's not as big as the last place I hunted. 900 Acres is a bit much for me, Especially when there is Trees and Hills on it. I'm looking for something a little smaller. Something that has a Nice place to Park my 4-wheeler.

Any help would be apreciated. thanx in advance !!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
hell,theres a place in southern utah that guarantee's anything you want and then some.
the guy that runs the place loves people like you,he washes everything you wipe with!
if you want to shoot off of your quad you can do that too.
if you want to try your hand at a chute plane hunt,well hell this guy pioneered the damn thing!

I know a guy that is about 5ft 2 275lbs(we call him the troll),that went to a "ranch" in BC. and killed not only a "mountain"goat(on flat land) but his entire GRAND SLAM of sheep! Including the desert!......whatever!
I have a dog kennel i dont use anymore. I think its 12x8 feet. Give me a few weeks i bet i can bait a deer into it and trap it. Is this kind of what your looking for? If not i bet i can fold up the kennel and box the deer and move everything close the the airport so you can shoot it 15 minutes after you land and waste no time getting to the titty bar. Lemme know! :D

I have a cow ready to slaughter. He is in the back pasture and it is about 2 acres in size. You can spot him any where he chooses to be. You can mount your spotting scope on the fence. Your logest shot should be about 200 feet. You may have to wait him out though. Sometimes he likes to be in line with the neighbors house. However, if you are payient he will eventually move to water. If worse comes worse, we can shake a grain bucket. This will bring him in for a close shot. He is only a spike.

No butt shooting!

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