Looking for a few cars


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-04 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p] I am looking as close to Utah as possible for any older cars in the 60's 70's for derby's. I need some good solid cars. If you know of any can you get me a number or any info please.


You might do better to post this on the hound doggers forum, I hear that they are all upgrading thier rigs into the 80's model years.

chad, please tell me you aint going to get into that damn derby! get into a real gooooood motor sport like truck pulling were the alachol motors run 2000+ horse power withe big blowers on them! i know a guy who was selling a derby car though if you want e-mail me and i can give you the info. you have my e-mail.
Hey Chad lets take your truck
I will be the pit crew and you bring the pit girls
i need some help with this site log on if u are here go messenger

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