Lookin' Out My Backdoor


Long Time Member
Look at this, Roy! You can KEEP your 90 degrees down there in Texas!! We've got SNOW!


Ok, so it's not going to stick, but still...it's SNOW! Yay! Always a great day when it's snowing.
I love it 3K, shoot some pics of those gorgeous mountains in your front yard!!
This is the first general elk hunt i have missed since i was 16, i'm kinda wishin i'd have gone up now to play in all this snow!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
"Look at this, Roy! You can KEEP your 90 degrees down there in Texas!! We've got SNOW!"

Where IS Roy??????????:)

>Where IS Roy??????????:)
Selling guns at Sportsman's Warehouse in Austin, teaching spanish at UT, in a library somewhere finishing his dissertation, at some event with his kids being a good dad, helping his wife out in their house they just moved into....something like that...any one of those places.

He's trying to be good and get that dissertation finished in his free time though (all 30 min. of it each day) so he can graduate this next spring. Come on, Roy! I'll even save up money to come to Austin for your graduation if you git-er-done! But come visit us once in a while around here, would ya? I miss you!

He doesn't even call me anymore, Steve! How rude. lol

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-07 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]Well I am still around - just busy like Jenn says. Making a big push to get myself on the job market. Lots of good jobs out there at some great places - CSU, Denver, A&M, Cal State Fullerton, a few in the Midwest and a whole heck of a lot back east. I am going to apply to over 35 places and hopefully interview at the MLA convention in Chicago in December. So if I appear to have disappeared - I haven't.

I will also be out of touch for the few weeks when I finish off my turtle hunt in November. Due to the earlier tragedies that the government refuses to document I have had to change my game plan. The Virgin River Gorge is a treacherous place and the Desert Devils are conniving and vicious. I am hunting solo now as no one could get a big enough insurance policy to accompany me. I DID NOT hire a guide service, but had solicited the help of a few guides who had a vendetta against one particualr turtle. They were doing some scouting for me as friends - so don't belive the Southern Utah rumors...

Anyway - HE is still out there. May my friends rest in peace. (Well - they are resting in pieces at any rate.)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Be careful, Roy. I'll let Sasquatch and my Chupacabra know their friend is dead once you dispatch him. Good luck, big brother.
Roy, with the turtle hunt still on the horizon, I wouldn't apply for a job just yet. But if you do, make sure they have wheelchair access for their employees. Not that we don't have faith in your abilities, Lord knows you're the most experienced, still living, turtle hunter in the West.:)

Have a great hunt and check in when (and if) you can!

ROY! Not trying to be malicious but what is wrong with Utah! After all we made you famous. I'm kinda sad that you wouldn't even think about us. The good lord knows we need you. Besides, there is some fairly good turtle hunting in the Virgin River Gorge if you are brave enough to go after them! Your lil' sis just keeps dinking around with coons & skunks. Her hubby has to keep her under control with a weed whacker. She needs you as well. Or so it seems!

>I love it 3K, shoot some
>pics of those gorgeous mountains
>in your front yard!!

What the...? Is that code for something slamdunk? :)

I went out Saturday in central Nevada and there was real snow. 4 or 5 inches of it. Very wet snow. It was nice.
RUS - Nothing wrong with Utah at all! It is home - but right now there are no real opportunities for doing what I do - the right job has to open up. It just hasn't yet. There is one position at Weber State and I will apply but not that enthused about Ogden. I guess I could live in Morgan. However, if a job at SUU were to be there - I would be applying in a heartbeat! Just not offering anything this year.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Actually - it is a really good job and I am definitely interested. It reminds me of a story though...

There were three native Texans, all three graduates from the BIG 3 Texas Universities - University of Texas, Texas A&M, and Texas Tech. Well one day they were walking a long a beach and they saw something sticking curiously out of the sand. Lo and behold, it was Genie in a lamp so they began shining the lamp and sure enough out pops a Genie who declares that she only has three wishes to grant and since there are three of them, they must all only get one wish. The Texas Tech graduate steps up first and says

"Genie, I wish that Lubbock County and all of North Texas, and the Panhandle Region remain fruitful and the center of American agriculture from now until eternity."

The Genie waves her wand and with a cloud of smoke and a "poof" declares, "It is done".

Now the A&M grad steps up and says:

"Genie, I want a wall - a wall built around the whole Bryan/College Station area that keeps all the good, conservative wholesome people in and protected keeps all the liberal corrupted individuals out"

The Genie waves her wand and with a cloud of smoke and a "poof" declares "It is done."

Lastly the UT grad inquisitively looks at the Genie and asks:

"Genie, tell me about this wall?" to which the Genie replies:

"It is solid concrete reinforced with only the finest hand forged steel, 60 feet think and 70 feet tall - it is impenetrable." says the Genie.

"Will it hold water?" asks the perplexed UT grad.

"Of course - it is watertight." replies the Genie.

"OK." replies the UT grad, smiling slyly. "FILL 'ER UP!"

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, roy...roy...roy..roy..........

That was damned funny.....lol.....

But when you move to College Station.....

You can't do that...Coach Fran won't allow it.


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