lookin like another powerjoke



400 miles on the odometer and the truck takes several minutes to start and will barely run at low speeds through town. it starts knockin bad and tries to die and has to be throttled up to keep goin. buyer beware before u spend 60 grand on that new diesel!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
But your other two that have been out in the oilfields for three months are running like raped apes.....maybe you got the lemon of the three?

>But your other two that have
>been out in the oilfields
>for three months are running
>like raped apes.....maybe you got
>the lemon of the three?

something like that....

Where's the Emoticon of a smiley strokin his ego?...I cant's seem to find it...

Oh well this will do for now...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Yeah, I've heard about that problem, they say its usually due to a loose nut behind the steering wheel.....

just needs a break-in run.
go drive it and put some miles on it, run it hard for 500 to 1000 miles.
my youngest boy is a cert. ase mech, says it will run good after that.
thats what i was hopin to hear. not the usual stinky posts suck. i know bess has been dying to know how the trucks have been running so this post is for those guys. i think i will keep my truk n hope it works out

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Well stinkbug,
I have been wondering how the New Jokers are doing?
Are they as powerful as Ford claims?
Are they as Fuel Efficient as Ford claims?
Is there any reliability left in any new vehicles?

Oh,and one more thing stinkbug?
Have you broke the truck yet? lol }>}>}>
stop putting gas it in. Put in diesel instead, LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
NEVER buy a new diesel the FIRST year it comes out!!! I learned my lesson on the 2004 Ford 6.0L and THEN the 6.4L...both are POS from the "get go". Well I really didnt learn...

Bought a new Chevy 2500 with Alison tranny and duramax in 2002. Tranny went after 1100 miles then the motor at 3500. I think that was first year for both tranny and motor.

Ford claims it's 6.7L is alot better but give them a year or so to work out all the bugs. EVERY ford tech will tell you the same thing.

Now I only buy used rigs...Why spend $50-60K when you can save 1/2 and it will only be a couple years old with low miles?

Just my 2$

bessy, it made a 200 mile journey to elpaso tx for a conversion kit. it averaged 20mpg goin over. comin back with the 6" lift and monster tires it averaged 17. it gets 16 around town with the lift n all. the truck is awfully powerful and is the first truck i wont hammer at a stop light cuz it peels out and makes me look like a freakin teenie bopper. its definitely hot. im just glad to have all theinterior space and solid front axle back. i also like the electronic locking rear axle that basically lets u turn of the limited slip feature for when ur stuck. all the electronics r super cool and its definitely a wild truck. now only if the engine will hold up!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
What's with the extra tank with the fuel additive in it? Sounds like somebody at Ford owns a share in that additive company! I really like my 6.4. Pulled a loaded 27 foot trailer with an enclosed piggybacked up and over Soldier Summit last week. Only got into half the throttle.

It's always an adventure!!!
>Yeah, I've heard about that problem,
>they say its usually due
>to a loose nut behind
>the steering wheel.....

The 6.0's have had a pretty good list of problems. You cant even get this engine anymore, you have to get a rebuild. Ford has a lot of lawsuits out over this motor. If you ever see a good deal on a powerstroke, its probably a 6.0. They should have never left the 7.3's. Buyer Beware!

My dad just blew his up. You dont even want to know the price tag to get it running again, it'll ruin your day. He just bought a new truck (it was cheaper than rebuilding his in the long run). Needles to say, he's not a Ford man anymore.

I am really interested in seeing this post kept alive. I am really
hoping that ford has this figured out. I plan on keeping my 7.3 for
a few more years. However, I hope I can justify another ford
when it comes time to replace what I have.
Dont buy any car or truck when they change something in it or redesign it, they dont have most the bugs out of it. I will never buy a brand new car or truck again. Both good and bad to that.


has anyone seen my kittie
What i really laugh at is the way they test parts/trucks these days!
It's all done on the Computer!
There is only one way to test trucks!
The oil field gives em a good test!
The farmers/ranchers/construction workers make for a good test as well!
Oh,don't forget about stinkbug,if he makes it from the dealer to his house with a brand new rig he's doing well!}>}>}>}>}>
My boss just got the new ford with a gas engine. 536 miles and its been in the shop for a week! Its electronics do what they want when they want. Shuts off driving down the road. Check engine light flashing. When the dealer plugged into it it cleared the memory on their code reader. If you give it a minute it will start and run fine for about a half hour then lights start flashing and it starts over again. The truck has never seen a dirt road and he is old so it hasn't been driven hard. The dealership can't figure out what's up because its effecting so many different systems. None of the mechanics want to touch it after what its doing to their equipment. Great trucks!

justr you just a Ford hater!!
At least Ford's not part of "Obama Motors" ;-)

justr. that one bout made me cry from laughing. drive that somebeech to the nearest catholic church. that truck dont need a mechanic it needs a priest! preferably one specializing in exorcisim!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-10 AT 01:19PM (MST)[p]>justr. that one bout made me
>cry from laughing. drive that
>somebeech to the nearest catholic
>church. that truck dont need
>a mechanic it needs a
>priest! preferably one specializing in
>ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde
>ego sum bardus (I participate
>on monstermuleys therefore I am

Lmao no chit! I think my boss is the devil himself so it couldn't be the truck!

Slam, I'm not just a ford hater. I have been thinking about a 2010 king ranch I just can't bring myself to do it! There's nothing wrong with my 05 duramax so I will stick with it because for how much they cost none of them are worth the money. No automaker will stick with a truck till they get the bugs out. Everything changes every 2 or 3 years.

I think what Stinky needs to do here is really break this truck in. Try taking it like 65 or 70 mph down a 15 mph road for a few miles.

Yeah, that will fix everything!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just razzin ya justr, i still think the cat eye front end Chev's are some of the best looking trucks on the road.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-10 AT 02:49PM (MST)[p]If we are talking about looks, ford loses! Those new ones are fugly!

I drove all 3 and the ford almost won because of price. 44 otd for a powerstroke king ranch. Not counting equity in trade or down payment.
I talked myself out of it though.

Good thing you did, cuz you don't want THAT diesel, that also explains the 44K price.

I have seen stinky's new one, it's the most gorgeous truck i have ever seen.

I just have a text pix of it, it's up in the air and 38's on 22's.
He'll chime in and post a pic.

Hope it works out for you. I bought an '04 and never put a tuner or lift on it. Drive it like I stole it and with 124000 miles it has been a great truck. Hope the next 124000 are as good. I heard from day one that you need to drive the diesels hard to get them to last and that is what I do.
Nice lookin rig there stinkbug!
I like the colors!
If that Obama pipe is still on there next time I see you I'm gonna show you what cordless sawzalls were made for!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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