look who's back......................



well I been doing some thinkin,maybe I should start my own church?
I know I'm 110% right when it comes to religion,there is only one faith,just wondering how many of you would join me & help out with the tithing?
I'm going to need a little help at first to get things rolling,so thanks in advance if you can help a little?
well,I think the Mormons pay 10% of their earnings?
not asking for any certain set %,whatever you could afford to send would be more in perspective
If you promised to be too busy to post here, I would be down for a donation.
manny16 (aka "bad luggage" you know the kind that never go away!)...go have a Jim Jones cocktail!!

Well Manny, I'm gonna have to call BS on ya. You stated:

"I know I'm 110% right when it comes to religion"

If you knew the bible like you think you do, you'd know that tithing, from beginning to end, has always been 10%. Even Webters dictionary states that. I guess you're church would be like all others. Just making it up as you go. Hows that verse go? And they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. Always learning, never able to come to a knowledge of truth. Of course I'm just going of memory. Have a nice day.

Actually yelum, by definition a "tithe" is "the tenth part of agricultural produce or personal income set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the church, priesthood, or the like."

So manny should have known that a few days ago too when he brought it up about how much Mormons tithe.
Cute joke Manny

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Thats pretty much what I was referring to. They paid a tenth of their increase in produce or livestock, or coin if that was their business. Again, I'm just going on memory as I don't have access to a bible at the moment and haven't studied the subject in a while.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]That didnt take long.

( If you cant take the heat, stay out of the campfire.);)
Can Manny get his "religious" thread so we can avoid his posts at all costs? Maybe just have a "manny16" thread so we can all ignore it. Or maybe we can have a "sinners and heathens" thread. Or manny just gets his own website....BINGO!!!
I think I'm with never_catch on this one. I don't believe this is the true manny, but someone having fun at his expense. Not that I agree with what manny does, but the true manny would know what a tithe is...
yes I do know how much tithing is,but if you can't give 10% I said anything you can do would be appreciated,give a lttle/help alot.
also looking for a good name for my church,any suggestions will be appreciated?
Manny's WeeFleeceUm Traveling Salvation show?

The Ikan Judge Church

The Ahmbetterenyoo Church

They-wrote-it-I-quote-it Church

QTPie and I Preach to the Devil

Temple of the Judgemental

The Church of Quitters

Church of Stoners and Wornout Musicians

The Church of Jeez Louise and Rather Gay Saints

I could go on... and likely will.
Good one Carl! That totally sums it all up right there!

Love how they throw in the AND MORMONS! Right at the very end in big bold print. We are right up there with Sex Perverts, Ankle Biters, and Rebellious Women!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That sign can't be Manny's it leaves out too much and dosn't have any scripture.

The real Manny better come back and defend himself.
amazing...simply amazing what you guys will do to a man when he's not even here anymore. Grow up

Could someone please direct me to one of those sex perverted rebellious women? Thanks!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>amazing...simply amazing what you guys will
>do to a man when
>he's not even here anymore.
>Grow up

Muleyman - Manny is like a bad case of herpes - we ain't never getting rid of him! I guarantee you he has read this whole post and has probably laughed at some of it, and is preparing a diatribe to be revealed at a later time for the rest.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Actually Eel, that is describing two seperate kinds of people,

there will cometh the day Nvb but why all the hate?
i'm thinking about getting some advertisements set up on the radio & possibly tv where generous people can make donations,all tax deductible of course...................
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-10 AT 11:36AM (MST)[p]>Manny was seen shortly after he
>left here holding this sign
>in the park.

Were there more listed on the back of the sign? I could think of a few.

If I knew what an ankle biter was, they would most likely make me sick as well.
so,i'm sitting here counting on good people here to make donations,can I count on anybody but Qtpie?

thanks for your support Qtpie,much appreciated

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed


I will donate a tea bag to you!

I would put the church deal on the back burner and focus on a GED ETC!

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