Long overdue update on Robyn

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
Some of you may remember back in Feb I posted about my daughter's traumatic head injury. Well, 6 months later she now is walking, talking, eating and drinking on her own. She will be going to Lubbock, Tx later this fall to enter a 3-month rehab facility for head injury patients. Just wanted to let all of you who sent well wishes and prayers know that the prayers worked and there is hope she may one day be well enough to be on her own again.

Phantom Hunter
Thats awesome...Thanks for the update...Hope she has a speedy recovery!


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Too Cool, sound like you two will get that antelope hunt after all. I am happy for you!!! If you head to Lubbock and need some ideas for anything, I lived there for 4 years going to Tech. Food types, hotel, entertainment, shopping, etc. let me know. Now I live about 2 hours east.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-09 AT 04:18PM (MST)[p]Thanks, We live in Abilene and have a nephew and some friends that live there. I guess we will keep the road hot between here and there all fall.

Phantom Hunter
thanks for the uptdate, sounds like very good news, glad to hear it. Continued good luck with the rehab
Good news PH! I drove through Abilene a few weeks ago and thought about you - said a prayer for you as I sped by. Hope it all turns out good!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Right on PH, that's great news. I'm sure you guys are overjoyed to see light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm sure she'll make big steps at this new place. Good luck.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."

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