Lonesome Dove


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-11 AT 00:04AM (MST)[p] I just can't tire of watching this movie. AMC 130 on Dish, part 1 tonight, part 2, i believe, tomorrow night!

Any quotes worth repeating from this movie?

Gus McCrae: A man who wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough

" If we was in town, we'd have a fine funeral, but as you can see, we ain't in town. There's nothin' you can do but kick your horse."

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
"we're packed"

I watched it last night with my kid. Now he wants to know what a 'poke' is.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I can't think about the Larry Mcmurtry series books without thinking of elk hunting. I read "Lonesome Dove", "Streets of Laredo", and "Dead Mans Walk" all while sitting in a blind waiting for elk to come to a waterhole. I found myself not looking out the blind window for 30 minutes or more. Sage not to get off topic but what do you think of your guy Ron Artest and his new name change, Metta World Peace? I think too much LA and his brain is going soft.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-11 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]+1 on Logslinger
I hear there is a opening on Jackass maybe he should try out for it.

8-12 last night looks like a 8-12 again tonight, still a great show.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"I believe that mule is hobbled son"


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-11 AT 12:33PM (MST)[p]lol, Thanks guys! I know i'll be watching again tonight. The last time i watched the movie was the first time. A good bud was living with a couple other friends in a rental we call Tortilla Flat, a great place for a party. I wasn't set up for a VCR at the time so i provided the movie, ribs, and a 1/2 gal of booze and we made a day of watching the movie. It was a great time and i much enjoyed the movie!

Logslinger, I am a fan of Artest, the former Basketball player, as in, the last 4-5 seasons. I have/had come to admire the little things he does on a court to help his team. Now, what goes thru that mind after the game and off the court... i mean, the guy IS the spokesmen and poster child for mental illness!! He means well.

[referring to the Hat Creek Cattle Company sign]
Woodrow Call: ...and if that ain't bad enough you got all them Greek words on there, too.
Gus McCrae: I told you, Woodrow, a long time ago it ain't Greek, it's Latin.
Woodrow Call: Well what does it say in Latin? For all you know it invites people to rob us.
Gus McCrae: Well the first man comes along that can read Latin is welcome to rob us, far as I'm concerned. I'd like a chance t' shoot at a educated man once in my life.

Love Lonesome Dove! Read the book and just couldn't put it down. A couple years later and the movie came out. I was amazed as all of the characters pretty much played the part and looked as Imagined them in the book except for Newt. I just didn't picture Rick Schroder as the tough ranch kid but he did very well with the part. Ole Pee Eye was exactly as I pictured him.

Augustus McCrae in the sitting it the creek, ? I think I shriveled me pod! ? ha ha ha LMAO!

Absolutely one of the best westerns ever, .....on second thought one of the best movies ever!!

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
As I recall.. one of the opening lines was something like this...
(Gus) you pigs take that snake down to the river to eat it.

Talk about hooked.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Gus while he and Pea Eye were fighting off Indians and Pea Eye was describing all the things the Indians would do to them if they were captured:

"Dang Pea Eye, talkin' to you is plumb depressin'."
I spent the summer doing background/wrangler work on "Return to Lonesome Dove" the sequel,it as a blast,its fun watching the movie with people and pointing out my various characters in sequential scenes.Nothing like the original though,just got done watching an episode on DVR.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-11 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]you go on up to montana, kill all the indians, build a cabin and get a fire goin, me and jake will be along with a herd of cattle.

speak up there, you gonna play cards or just sit there lookin ugly.

we dont rent pigs, i figured id say it right up front. cause a feller who wants to rent a pig is hard to stop
The whole movie is classic. But my favorite part is the whole talk Gus gives to Pete right before chasing the buffalo.
"Them bulls'll hook ya lol.
I can't remember the whole line but when gus is talking to the piano player when they are heading out on the wagon...a piano player that wears a chamber pot for a hat will fit right in with this crew along with a wagon trailing pigs..
The rude behavior line was the best of the whole movie though...especially when gus just stopped him from bashing his head in with the horse shoe tongs...that would of been the end of story right there..
The actor who played Jasper was the only guy on our set worth talking to,we went fishing on a couple ran days,fun guy to hang out with.Rick Schroder is a punk.

"I actually agree with NONYA on this."
My all time favorite movie. Too many great quotes to mention or to really jot down just ONE. Do you recall when the ole Mexican hired hand Cholo told Claire about Dee Boots: "Pistolero."

Who said, "Tasty?"

What model of lever Winchester was Gus using when he fought off the Indians using his dead horse as a fort?

Why did Gus have his Walker Colt in his hand showing it to Call seconds after Call about beat the Army scout to death?

As I have mentioned before, "My All Time Favorite Show." Cowtag
A Lonesome Dove quiz for you MM members:
1. What model of Winchester lever rifle was Gus using against his opponents when he was using his dead horse as a fort?
2. Which character told Claire that Dee Boots was a 'pistolero?'
3. Whose horse was Gus riding when the Indians shot the two arrows into his leg?
4. Why did Augustus keep telling Woodrow "It's me- Woodrow-It's me" as he was pulling him off of the Army scout in the fight scene? Why was Gus showing Call his Walker colt pistol all the time he was trying to pull Woodrow off?
5. What was Deets' first name?
6. When Gus and Pea Eye was forced to take refuge in the little cave by the creek, which model of Winchester rifle was Augustus shooting with then?

Lonesome Dove is my all time favorite show. Cowtag (southern Illinois)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-11 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]Good Questions! my guesses...

"Tasty"? wasn't that Call after unknowingly eating a grasshopper?

1. Was that a 1876?
2. old guy, her hired hand?
4. Look to me like Agustus was going to club him with it if Call didn't settle down.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-11 AT 09:17PM (MST)[p]>A Lonesome Dove quiz for you
>MM members:

>1. What model of Winchester lever
>rifle was Gus using against
>his opponents when he was
>using his dead horse as
>a fort?

Henry 1860 .44 Rimfire

>2. Which character told Claire that
>Dee Boots was a 'pistolero?'

Cholo (you actually gave us the answer above.)

>3. Whose horse was Gus riding
>when the Indians shot the
>two arrows into his leg?

Lorena's (pure guess)

>4. Why did Augustus keep telling
>Woodrow "It's me- Woodrow-It's me"
>as he was pulling him
>off of the Army scout
>in the fight scene? Why
>was Gus showing Call his
>Walker colt pistol all the
>time he was trying to
>pull Woodrow off?

Because Woodrow was prone to black out in fits of rage and would imagine he was fighting for his life. Woodrow, who knew him best, also knew that often times the only way he could be stopped when in this condition was to knock him out. Woodrow was of course angry at the Army Scout for beating on Newt with a quirt when Newt wouldn't let the Scout take Dish's horse. Woodrow rushed into the action and defended the boy so vehemently because he was his son.

>5. What was Deets' first name?


>6. When Gus and Pea Eye
>was forced to take refuge
>in the little cave by
>the creek, which model of
>Winchester rifle was Augustus shooting
>with then?

Remington Rolling Block .45

>Lonesome Dove is my all time
>favorite show. Cowtag (southern

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
woodrow, u do more work than u have to that'S why its my oblagation to do less.

he is right on all answers. if you like the movie then get ahold of the book. it will take the average reader a week to get through. some of you guys might need a couple months
Hunters and Lonesome Dove addicts: I will try to answer my own questions to my little quiz the other evening here on MM.
These answers could be arguable and if you disagree with me someone will probably disagree with us all a little bit later on down the trail.
1. I believe Gus' rifle in the "I had to kill my horse and use him as a fort" scene was a Winchester model 1873 saddle ring carbine equipped with a ladder rear sight. Lever action with a forearm.
2. Cholo: Claire's hired hand/employee
3. Woodrow was in such a fighting frenzy that he would have wupped on anyone and everyone at that very instant. Gus was making damn sure that Woodrow F. Call actually KNEW who was holding me back off of the Army scout. Woodrow was capable of killing anyone when he was in this extremely agitated state of mind.
4. Joshua Deets
5. Again, I believe the rifle that Gus was using here was a Henry lever action. It had a brass alloy receiver and this rifle had NO forearm. The Winchester model 1866 had the first forearm.
Feel free to disagree with me as I see things anymore through 'an older man's eyes.' We will ALL agree though that we love 'Lonesome Dove.' Good Hunting to each and everyone of you. Cowtag
I left out one answer. After Augustus killed his good bay horse and used the horse's body as a fort, he was afoot. He carried his gear that night into the camp of July Johnson, Joe, Janie, and Roscoe Brown. Gus rode Roscoe's horse down the cliff into the Indian camp where he used his Walker Colt cap and ball pistol to kill the six renegades. Almost immediately, Blue Duck killed Joe, Janie, and Roscoe. After July and Gus buried the three, Augustus started riding Roscoe Brown's black horse as Roscoe did not need the horse anymore.
I preferred the little bay horse that Gus rode during the earlier portions of the greatest western movie ever filmed.
Thanks for that correction! I was just going to give you a hard time about that one. Now that I think about it - didn't Gus find Lorena's horse (the one that Jake bought for her with the $50 she got from Gus when he cut cards with her for a "poke") dead out on the Llano estacado when he was tracking Blue Duck and Lorena?

Can't remember and this last time I watched it I missed a lot of portions as that channel won't allow us to DVR on the package we have (cheapest one).

As for the rifles and other guns - here is a great site that confirms the answers. I didn't look here to find the answers and cheat per se, but I had been looking at it earlier in the week and after I answered I went back and verfied. So according to this - my answers were correct. Fun finding out the truth though.


Also - if you loved the movie - you will love the book - the whole series. Commanche Moon is by far my favorite of the series, though I am going to go back and read Lonesome Dove again to verify a few things. It has been nearly 20 years since I read it. Of course, that means that I will have to read them all in order now, so a trip to the library is in the plans!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, thank you for all of your information. That reference for the firearms used in the filming of Lonesome Dove is PRICELESS. I really enjoyed reading and re-reading it. Those pictures tell the whole truth and I was wrong claiming that Gus was using a 73 Winchester. I thought that rifle had a forearm on it but that nice color pictures shows clearly that famous yellow color of the receiver and the forearmless barrel of a Henry rifle.
Thanks for taking my little quiz and in showing the world your answers. Robert Duvall was quoted long afterwards that he was disappointed that he did not win an Emmy for his role as Capt. Augustus McCrae in Lonesome Dove. He called it the role of his career. He certainly portrayed his character perfectly, didn't he? Cowtag
Thanks guys, especially Cowtag and Roy, for the additions to the thread, your quiz and info given.

I just loved this flick and Agustice McCrea was special, a guy anybody can relate to and probably have fun hanging out with. Outstanding portrayal!

My favorite western of all time. What did Call write on Deets' grave marker?

Don't forget blue duck who said(. I ever catch you above the Canadian river I will cut your tongue out and feed them to my wolf pups.)
Absolutely right about Duvall's portrayal of McCrae and Emmy Award. It appears that James Woods won it that year for his portrayal of "Bill W" - one of the guys that founded AA. Of course Tommy Lee Jones was also nominated for his portrayal of "Call" - so it might have been that both of those performances basically cancelled each other out and Woods (a native of Vernal, UT by the way - at least he was born there) won it by default. Who remembers that character though? Seems like we will never forget Gus and Call.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It is an awesome movie and when me and my wife were first married we couldn't afford cable but had a VCR and a few movies including one badly recorded version of Lonesome Dove. Funny we would be watching and news flashes would come on about I believe the first war in Iraq and we would forget for a second we were not watching live, we still laugh about that and love that movie.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

Im a Lonesome Dove fanatic. This is an original video release poster from 1991. Remember video rental stores,LOL.
I've heard of Lonesome Dove but have never read it or seen it. Now I gotta check it out.

I just saw 3:10 to Yuma awhile back for the first time.

"bisuits are ready"

"who is sleeping on the front porch,,, Dish Boggat"

I will digress now, before I write a thesis!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-11 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]What was written on Gus' tombstone near the end of the movie? Think it was written in Latin. Anybody know what it means?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-11 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]Here is a pretty good analysis of the phrase Tayhot - taken from the Wikipedia page. I have looked at three or four different explanations and have confirmed the errors in the Latin (as mentioned below) - and I somewhat agree with this assesment - I think McMurtry used the misspelling intentionally as it does underscore Gus' character - even though he does jumble it later - it just further serves to define who Gus was.


"The sign for Gus McCrae and Woodrow F. Call's Hat Creek Cattle Company includes a Latin motto, "Uva Uvam Vivendo Varia Fit," which appears to be a reference to a proverb first attributed to Juvenal. The proverb, "Uva Uvam Videndo Varia Fit" is translated as "A grape (uva) other grapes (uvam) seeing (videndo) changes (varia fit)." Some readers think McMurtry's substitution of "vivendo" for "videndo" is an artifice used to underscore Gus's lack of education and unfamiliarity with Latin. But later, when Call asks Gus about the motto, he jumbles it comically, not even pretending to know what it means. Having established that, McMurtry gains nothing by adding a spelling error that only Latin scholars would catch. Likewise, it seems unlikely?as other readers have suggested?that the substitution was simply a typographical error. Although the substitution is ungrammatical, "vivendo" means "living," turning the phrase "A grape changes when it sees other grapes" to "A grape is changed by living with other grapes;" or, since we are not really concerned with grapes after all, to "We are changed by the lives around us." The author's alteration takes on greater significance in light of the larger themes in the narrative that deal with how one leads one's own life and with living itself. These themes are also indicated in the remark made by Gus to Call: "It ain't dyin' I'm talkin' about...it's livin'."

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
One of the greats of all time.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Woodrow Call- "I hate rude behavior
>in a man. I won't
>tolerate it."

That is one of my favorite quote out of the whole series.. and of course the events that hapened just before he said that.
I have 3-4 different editions of this on DVD and an old VHS. I also have many different printings of this as well. Before I moved, my theater room downstairs had signs, autographed photos, and old western gear. I miss not having that stuff up. I think my favorite piece I own is an autographed photo of Jake, Woodrow, and Gus. Its the picture seen in the saloon. Its signed by all of them. Oh, and my dogs name is Newt.

For any of you that are hardcore fans, there is a great book of obscure photos that were professionally taken during the filming that were compiled. http://www.amazon.com/Photographs-L...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1309974704&sr=8-1

Some of the photos are available in large printings, but they are pretty costly and hard to find.

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