


I might make enemies on here but that would be a first. Lol. Seeing how most mm ers are Utahans. But here goes.
The Idaho f and g had a check station at the border. A couple Utah boys stopped and the warden walked up and looked in the back of the Mormon assault vehicle and there were two twos points (forkys) whichever you wanna call them lol. They said were all legal. Got them big old boys tagged and everything. After closer inspection he noticed used condoms hanging out the deers asses. With a discusted look he said WTF is the matter with you guys ? The Utahans said."well your regulations said. Leave evidence of sex"
Wow that was hella funny!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
My condoms always end up in their mouth...

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...

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