

Long Time Member
Last week I was in a bar in Durango listening to a young granola eater expounding the virtues of being a Locavore. From Wikpedia, "Those who prefer to eat locally grown/produced food sometimes call themselves "localvores" or locavores." She went on further to extol the virtues of organic produce etc. which is something I don't subscribe to. I told her that my Wife and I eat very little store bought meat and that the majority of our meat is "Organic". She brightened up immediatley and asked where we purchased our organic meat. I told her we didn't purchase it, we hunted it and killed it. We even cut and wrap it ourselves. This was a shocking idea to her and pretty much ended the conversation.

My question is what should we, who hunt, kill, and gather our food, call ourselves? I'm struggling with a good vore. Huntavore doesn't quite fit for me since we also grow and gather much of our veggies. Come up with a term, let's coin one to describe ourselves.

LAST EDITED ON May-28-08 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]When i first read the title, i thought you'd tried to learn a foriegn language, and didn't quiet get it right.....i guess i was kinda right.

right off the top of my head, i'm thinking Normalvore. Its normal to want to harvest your own meat and veggies...

An omnivore is both carnivore and herbavore,

The word auto is also defined as "for or by oneself"

So how about "automnivore" ?

I'll also throw "beavavore" out there before RACK gets here...
I like "automnivore" but I also suggest this:

"venomnivore" - from "venison" which is a euphemism for all wild meat, especially deer, and "omnivore" though it kind of sounds like you only eat snake venom.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>An omnivore is both carnivore and
>The word auto is also defined
>as "for or by oneself"
>So how about "automnivore" ?
>I'll also throw "beavavore" out there
>before RACK gets here...

MMMMMMM beaver.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
I think Automnivore is awesome. I was trying to think of something that cleaver but fell short. Being autonomous is very fitting.

Well played Edelbrock, well played.
I like Automnivore, but it's kinda hard to pronounce after a few beers. So it might not be a very good pick up line at the bar!:)

.......a cunninglinguist.....could probably coin a term for it. Talk about hard to pronounce after a few beers!



How about if anyone tries to define themselves by adding vore to their main interest, we get to smack them with a stick?


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