Local Dummies!!!!!!!


The video was shot about 4 miles from my house, near the intersection of Rimrock road and Zimmerman trail.

Click here: YouTube - Icy Streets and Ruts <
Received this from a friend up in Billings, MT his buddy filmed it in fron of his house there.

Amazing how many of them had no brake lights or just one brake light!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Been there! Sometimes you just have to go slow, way slow! 4x4 means nothing! New tires mean little. Stay off the brakes if you can.

The only thing i know that helps besides chains, nobody around here puts those on just to get around, is studded tires. Studded tires do make a huge difference and are well worth the money in snow icy country!!

Three ways to tell the road you are on is ICY

1. Snow covering the road
2. Skid tracks everywhere
3. Dude with camera set up to film it all.

That is good stuff there Kilo
Bink on the cell phone as soon as she pulls out into traffic is a good sign of stupid, also. "Yeah, I'm on my way home now--CRUNCH!!"

Was up around Ennis My Nov 14-24 and witnessed lots of that first hand, and I was slip slidding away a few times myself......it was not fun

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