Local Boy Extreme TardHunter


Long Time Member
Hi everyone, my name is Eel. I'm one of the 10 lucky finalists chosen for this years Extreme TardHunter 2010. The winner gets a free elk hunt guided by Bbop and Rutnbuck. Please vote for me at Extreme TardHunter.com

I've been a hunter since I was very young. It all started when I was trapping skunks to get some extra income to support my 8 brothers and sisters. I fell in love with the outdoors as a result. My great passion now is mule deer hunting. I was never very successful in the early days. All those steep mountains and all.



My success rate sky rocketed when I finally bought a 4-wheeler. It opened up a whole new world to me and my friends. Now we could hunt new places miles from the nearest road, and not even get wet!



Exclusively for my MM friends, I've included a photo of my newest honeyhole. It's almost 4 miles back into the wilderness. The hunting is great!


Best of luck to everyone, and don't forget to vote for me! Thanks!!!

Got to give you credit Eel, you got Brass in them levi's of yours! :)

That first Pic looks like you as a youngster and the guy on the wheeler pulling the good buck kinda reminds me of ol Bessy!!

Hey bud, just checked in here as a fluke and caught your post. You know you got my vote, but I couldn't pull up either of these addresses extremetardhunter.com or tardhunter.com.

Where do I go to vote?

FTW, their server is probably down with so many hits after I posted.:)

Joey, the skunk photo actually is me and my buddy. A local chicken/egg farm hired us to trap skunks. We trapped about 25 in one week. High adventure!

Damn Eelgrass now I know why I smelt something odd about your rig...that damn stinky smell is still around the PU....LOL

Well Eel!
It's not so much I want to take you Hunting but I'd sure like to give you a Ride!:D

Me & Rut even did some Road Hunting,at 80 he claims!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Way to funny Eel,, but ya gotta slap a ton of makeup on, and do yer hair before you get my vote.
And try to find a pic with ya posing with a ram, that seems to be the trendy thing to do with these contest's
What no turtle pics or exploits? With piper and zigga as your competition you got my vote and you're a shoe in!
I am honered Eel. For choosing B-bop and I. We will throw in for good measure a High Fence Spot and Stalk Skunk hunt. We can get you close enough you won't need a gun!! We can throw a safty harness in the back of Bops truck. You won't be riding in the front.

Anyone driving 50 m.p.h. thru Salt Lake with guns, booze, camp cookies and who knows what or whom other contraband, yet as a lad has the sense to guard his Beer with his rifle, has got my vote!!

Well Eel, you started out right by coming on here and begging for votes. Now you need to get all dolled up and post some sexy pictures, tell us what a great guy you are and how much you deserve it over the other contestants. The only problem is once you get picked you have to disappear without a thanks like the rest of them did. We don't want that. Besides, isn't hunting with Bessy and Rutnbuck more of a sentence than a reward?

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
Well OK then, here is a photo of me all dolled up. As hard core as I am, you have to admit I clean up well.

Damn!!! You got my vote! From the look on your face I'd better vote for you or you'll kick my ass.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE

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