Little MT buck


Long Time Member
Here is my first antelope archery buck. Unfortunately the biggest buck I have seen all year. Gas is too expensive to travel to a good area and the Fish and Game don't manage for quality obviously. It was a great hunt and I owe it all to Mathews and Leica again. It's the third big game animal of the season. Bad choice in shirt selection for photos.


Nothing wrong with that for an archery goat.

Always knew you were a block head, the pic just confirms it.

Are you embarrased or what? Well you shouldn't be (unless your ugly) :).
An antelope with a bow is a great accomplishment.

I do agree any anelope with a bow is a great trophy and I dont think you are related to Jack. Being one of the few and single girls on this web sight, its kinda nice to see some of you good looking guys on top of seeing the great looking trophy animals , #1 if taken by my choice of weapons a bow.>>>>>>>>>>Sharlin
I would think that any "lope" with a bow would be something to be proud of! Love the look of that country! Congrats!
Congrats. That pic would make a good advertisement for the company that made that friggin montserous looking bow you have there, "This could be you!."
Thanks for the kind words. I am indeed horrifically ugly and didn't want to take away from the antelope. I love looking at other people's hunting pics and can't help putting mine up when I do carry a camera. There's too many malicous people on the internet nowadays and you never know where your picture could show up.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-05 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]definitly a cutie! Now thats much better! Thanks!Love the dog too! Working in a mans world I deal with the strange ones all day long, its a little harder to deal with face to face , then having your picture on the internet. But I would definitly post one if I had a beautiful trophy like yourself. But probably wouldnt look as good as you guys on an all day goat hunt.>>>>>>>>>>Sharlin>> By the way ZIGGA good taste in bows!!!!
"But I would definitly post one if I had a beautiful trophy like yourself."

He's not allowed to post a Picture of his "Trophy", But he might show you on a date......

He has to be the Internets most available batchlor. And believe me, Most women don't even think twice about his Bi-x-ual tendencies.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
So because its not the biggest you're not happy with it? If this is the case don't shoot, leave it for someone who might actuall appreciate such an accomplishment.
I couldn't be happier! It's just that a lot of people want to see B & C sized critters here and I just named the subject "Little". Next year's will be bigger or none at all. I appreciate any and all opportunities.
So your saying he likes looking at the guys too? Hes probably too young for me anyways.Doesnt mean I dont like lookin or flirtin. Besides Im pretty pickey. They gotta like to hunt with women. And they have be respectable.>>>>>>>>>>Sharlin
Moosie watches way too much porn. He recognizes me from such films as, "South of the Border", "Shower Rescue", "Santa's Lay Ride" and maybe even "Chicks with ****s". My double for the gay scenes was D13er.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-05 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]Moosie, that Bi-comment was flippin hilarious......thanks for the MD on my monitor.....I always heard those Montana boys were in no way know, where the men are brave and the sheep are scared...or in these case, antelope.....LMAO

Sorry Zigga, no offense......just a ND boy having fun at Miller's expense.....
Well I guess respectable is out. Ill be going to Montana for taxidermy school in spring, I hope the girls arnt both ways too.
Oh, aren't the guys just a riot.;-)

Moosie, time for you to get off your ass and do some hunting. IMARUNT, don't be pumping up Moosie, his head is big enough.

BTW, no backdoors for this guy.

Sorry about the thread Zigga, still a nice buck.
:D know Moosie don't need anybodies help with that, LOL....just couldn't resist a Montana joke when I had the bad....;-)

Congrats to Zigga and MT.....any critter with bow is a trophy.....especially antelope.....
"I appreciate any and all opportunities. "

HAHA... I'll leave that one alone you sicko..... ;)

13Incher, I didn't realise that was you. that's fetching Hillarius.

It's good to see that in a Serious world of My 17" lope is Bigger then your 16 17/18" lope world there is some humor. And it's good to see I'm the Link.. BUuahahahah !!!

My Sizzle fo fizzle Zigga and Mt~Milla in da House, Kudos to both of you.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!

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