Little League World Series


Very Active Member
anyone watch the game between ca and georgia last night? ended up 11 to 10 with the winning run scored on a WP was a really good game,,,, ca went up 5 to 1 then ga went up 10 to 5 ca tied it and the winning run was scored 8 minutes before the game would have been called because they have an 11 curfew :)
that was a good game, cal was the better team, but that 4 or 5th inning just killed them! glad they came back. cool watching them kids do good.

did you see in the 5th( ithink) when it all fell apart for cals pitcher? when the runs just starting to stack up. the right fielder threw the ball home , great throw, but the catcher dropped it and the runner was safe. a couple seconds after the play they took a close up shot of the right fielder, and you could read his lips "FU@#, CATCH THE FU$#ING BALL" i bet his parents wern't that excited their kids was on t.v. at that moment.:) it was kinda funny

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