"Little General".....gone.....


Very Active Member
Mr. Cubin summarily dismissed Avery today.
Will be interesting who he goes back with.

Poor Mr. Johnson still has about 12 Mil headed his
way. And will, no doubt, land another coaching job.


Ive, i thinks that's Cubin's loss. I'm a Sacramento Kings fan, have been for years. Quite happy with Reggie Theus as our Coach but Avery has my respect. He probably could improve most teams. Can't understand who Cubin thinks he can get that is better?
Typical Cuban knee-jerk reaction. Fire the coach because you made bad personnell moves. Avery will get another chance somewhere. Maybe San Antonio if Popovich ever gets tired of coaching. Probably not though - he is going to be like Jerry Sloan and be there for a long time.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
thats my wife's pet name for something else. i got a bit worried. :)

Sorry to see Avery gone i think he did a heck of a job.
He is a good coach. Its the "Pre-Madonna" players that are the problem. That team is not tough enough and needs a backbone.

I bet Johnson will be coaching in Chicago.
The man has won over 70% of his games and took the Mavs to the finals.
Most owners would have rode it out longer.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Any coaching jobs that come open will be looking at him, You can't lay it all on his head them not going farther, those old boys who shoot the ball has more to do with it then he does.They have to do the right stuff.Because if he was a shitty coach they wouldn't have won so many games.

I hope it to a team that play the Mavs alot.
Yea, he was coach of the year last year,
and now this.

I think he'll be better off personally, and more
affective at another place.

Cubin's a dork. No two ways about it.

Cuban throws a new starting point guard into the lineup mid-season and expects the entire team to adjust all of a sudden and win the finals? When will Cuban learn that "buying" a good team will never pan out?

Avery did well I thought, he got that team to play more defense than Don Nelson ever did.
Avery "lost" the team this year, so his dismissal was a certainty.
That being said, the trade for Kidd is nothing less than a total disaster. What they gave up to get him and now the changes that will take place in personnel over the off season will set the franchise back 10 -15 years.
RIP Mavs. It will be a long time before we see you again.

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