Little Boys Who Snoop

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-09 AT 03:31PM (MST)[p]This is a TOTALLY TRUE story! Now you can all see the kind of crap I had to deal with growing up with TripleK!

Great work Jenn. A true family Christmas gem!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>This is a TOTALLY TRUE story!
>Now you can all see
>the kind of crap I
>had to deal with growing
>up with TripleK!
LOL ROY! All my other friends said to me, "OMG you were a little sh*T!"

>>> So, I did the only thing I knew to do to clear my conscience: I TOLD ON HIM<<<

ROTFL thats such a "girl" move LOL pretty darn neat story :)
That's a good one!
Grizz is quite a story teller,gonna be funny knowing he will someday be passing that story on to his own kids & maybe He'll get a payback someday?
Jenn,how old was he when this happened?
I'll bet your Dad is still laughing about this.
Ok Grizz/Roy,it's your turn to tell us a story bout Jenn?
Actually - I am the older brother (the oldest) - Grizz is the youngest but it is Jenn who is doing the story telling. This is for a monthly column she writes in a small publication circulated in the Uintah Basin called "The Edge Magazine". We are both frequent contributors.

We will all deninitely pass this down. I just read this to my kids tonight and they were rolling, especially knowing their aunt and uncle did crazy things like them, or not like them - worse than them.

I have a lot about Jenn that I will tell and a lot of the MM crowd have heard them already, but there are a lot of new MM?ers who might be entertained.

The best by far is another incident that happened with just her and Grizz while I was at school. I am sure Jenn will comment and add or correct details I might have missed, and give her own spin on it to make her look as innocent as possible. But here is my version of events:

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Circumstantial it may be, I believe we have more evidence as to what happened to Jenns neighbors raccoon. I think it at least shows what she is capable of.:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>Circumstantial it may be, I believe
>we have more evidence as
>to what happened to Jenns
>neighbors raccoon. I think it
>at least shows what she
>is capable of.:)
I DIDN'T DO IT! I SWEAR!! They think I did, and I wanted to awfully bad, but I did not do away with that damn coon!!

Roy- as Dad would say "You picked a good time to keep your mouth shut, buddy."
>Good thing that my sister doesn't
>know about this site or
>I would be in deep
>dudu. LOL
Tell me about it, Brian. And every Tom, #####, and Harry in the Basin reads this site and knows I post here. I get crap every time I go to town about the stuff I post or stuff Roy posts. LOL
Well, it was Unle Fred who actually said it first and it was:

"Son, you missed a perfectly good opportunity to keep your mouth shut!"

And I would feel bad, but let's see, ummm wait a minute... ahhh dang! Nope sorry, my "give a damn" is busted. HEE HEE HEE!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Funny stuff! Looks like there is a sibling rivalry on this site! Don't worry TripleK - your story was much better.
>Funny stuff! Looks like there is
>a sibling rivalry on this
>site! Don't worry TripleK -
>your story was much better.
Thanks Homer! You are my new best friend.

I bet When they find that raccoon he has a dot in his forehead too. LOL

It's still amazing that we all made it pass childhood.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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