Little Belt Mtns

Lots of road hunters/slobs. If you like to hike then there seems to be some game. I've never witnessed so much road hunting in my life and wouldn't notice it other than driving back and forth from the cabin.
too many people in the little belts and too much private land on castles and crazies. Castles do have some good elk though. I personally would choose the pioneers, tobacco roots, or gravely range over the belts, castles, or crazies. but that is just IMHO.
Ya lots of roads and slobs in the little belts, but it does make where the elk will be hanging out predictable, anything steep and deep. I know a couple canyons/north facing slopes with roads at the top but no acess from the bottom, there are always a few elk in them, but steep walking! As far as the castles I have had some luck but worn out the shoe leather in doing so. Very frustrating seeing 200+ head on private land on the drive up and having to bust butt to see any on forest service, but they are there. Those mountains are tougher than they look too!
Your comments are only reinforcing what I am learning by talking to quite a few folks. I have a buddy who is an outfitter in MT and he said that he would absolutely NOT hunt west of the divide because of the wolves. I'll keep digging.

I do appreciate the thoughts, gang! Thanks.

Raghorn Hunting Services
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