Listen to this BS


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NEW YORK - New York Knicks guard Stephon Marbury defended Michael Vick, calling dogfighting a sport and comparing it to hunting.

Marbury spoke Monday about the federal dogfighting conspiracy charges against Vick while promoting his basketball shoe in Albany, N.Y.

"I think it's tough," Marbury said, according to Albany TV station Capital News 9. "I think, you know, we don't say anything about people who shoot deer or shoot other animals. You know, from what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors."

It's Bush's fault!!!
He actually said "deers", not deer. What an Idiot, if you can't see the difference between killing a wild animal and using it to feed your family and conserve the species / holding your pet dog's head underwater until it dies because it isn't good enough at shredding other dogs to peices, you are as messed up as Vick.


You see theres an easy solution. Throw him in a pit with a dog like that. well see how much respect he gains for it, if he makes it. If ya wanna compare it to hunting its like shooting a bear in the zoo, which is in no means hunting.
>He actually said "deers", not deer.
>What an Idiot, if you
>can't see the difference between
>killing a wild animal and
>using it to feed your
>family and conserve the species
>/ holding your pet dog's
>head underwater until it dies
>because it isn't good enough
>at shredding other dogs to
>peices, you are as messed
>up as Vick.

Well he does have a point. There are alot of high-fence operations that do raise animals just to be killed by people for pleasure.

I hate the thought of dog fighting though.

....had one hell of a dogfight under my dinner table last 8 year old chihuahua vs. a 14 week old Rat terrier. It sounded awful.

DallanC, there is still NO comparison......How many animals killed behind the high fence get taken to a cold storage , meat cutter and then a dinner table??? How many of those pit bulls get eaten after dieing in the jaws of another dog or by hands of an owner who thinks less of it as a killer fight dog???
I don't think much about high fence hunting , but I do know there is of no comparison to dogfighting....
>DallanC, there is still NO comparison......How
>many animals killed behind the
>high fence get taken to
>a cold storage , meat
>cutter and then a dinner
>table??? How many of those
>pit bulls get eaten after
>dieing in the jaws of
>another dog or by hands
>of an owner who thinks
>less of it as a
>killer fight dog???
>I don't think much about high
>fence hunting , but I
>do know there is of
>no comparison to dogfighting....


Sorry I wasnt trying to justify fighting dogs in anyway, I'm fully against it.

But again, I can kindof see the point they are making with outfits raising animals to be killed for "sport". I dont understand your implication of the meat from a high-fenced operation being used vs the meat of a dog being used... do you eat squirrels and prarie dogs? Meat from Coyotes or jackrabbits? Yet some people do eat dogs so /shrug, thats not a clear black and white argument either.

I watched a TV show where Tred Barta hunted and killed pigs with a knife, the pig was held down by a pack of dogs by the ears, nose... flanks etc. Some people found it to be a cool show... I personally didnt like it, but /shrug, some do. Is that hunting? Or just killing? Does it even matter?

I think the biggest mistake in all of this is they equated the dog fighting to "hunting" when they really meant "shooting game in a fenced enclosure". That to me is not "hunting". But there are indeed alot of people raising animals purely for the purpose of killing them in sport.

I hope the cull goes broke, od's on crack and the rats eat him.
Anyone who compairs fair chase hunting to what this POS does is a moron, even the animal rights people know that. that's why they'll protest everytime vick pops his head up, but celebrities who hunt while not their favorite people don't get the attention he will. the fact dog fighting is illegal should also count for something.
Correct. There is no comparison. it would be much more humane to throw a person like that out in the woods and have someone hunt em with a gun........ humanely and logically there is no real close comparison unless you are apparently and ignorant rich celebrity.
You can usually guage the dumb-arse factor by the number of "you knows" in the public statements made by these folks. 2 in 2 sentences, I'm sold. It quacks like a duck!
Him and Tyson will be camping under the same bridge before long. I could care less.

For crying out loud!

"Well he does have a point. There are alot of high-fence operations that do raise animals just to be killed by people for pleasure".

Now I feel like crap! Eating my 2 best steers ... Burger & Pot Roast.

Poor TripleK had to send BOSSHOG to slaughter over the protest of her young son!

If you all can't see the difference here .... spooks me.

Seems to me I started the Vick post because I truly love dogs. Please don't in anyway defend this PR!CK!

This morning on the news they had the NAACP on saying vick should be able to serve his debt to society and return to football. he said they were not playing the race card they just wanted fair treatment for him, yeah right.

The president of PETA was on also and said while they don't approve of hunting, dog fighting is a whole different thing and they see no comparison. I'm not a PETA fan but they're going to keep the heat on vick and not forget him, I guess they're good for something.
The NFLPA (union) better watch how they word they animal cruelty clause in the Player Conduct policy. PETA is trying to get them to punish NFL players for all acts of animal cruelty. Now I know they are saying that hunting is a little different - but PETA is PETA they hate hunting too and would LOVE to outlaw NFL players from it too. The lawyers better be careful how they word it. If there are any NFL players lurking here on MM (I know there are from time to time - NBA and MLB players too) you better let your reps know they need to make sure if PETA gets their way that don't include hunting as an act of animal cruelty in the conduct policy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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