Lion In Backyard Pine Tree


Terminator (Guest)

About two weeks ago there was talk about a mountain lion roaming my nieborhood. A week later i found some lion tracks in the snow, in my yard. 2 days later i found the big tom in my pine tree, so i ran inside and got my 30 06, when i came out the cat was on the ground running up towards the mountains near my #####.
Sounds like you need to keep that 30/06 close at hand. What state are you in?
Sounds like an experience I had when i was in highschool
Me and a freind of mine were at my house at about 9 oclock
at night and we herd my dog yappy barking alot so we both
went out side to see what was up and then we saw it it was
a lion in our driveway and it was coming towards my dog
so I ran back in the house to get my 22 and my friend
watched threw the window as it and my dog fought. I hurried
and loaded my gun and got two shots off as it jumped our fence
and ran off. there was snow on the ground so I looked for blood the next morning and there was but I think I missed it and my
dog tour it up a little bit.
Scary. I worry about my kids playing in the yard for that reason. I know my area has been bombarded with cat sightings. Some of the cats have been missing. I know the DWR takes those compaints serious and would track the cat. Good luck.
Had a cat come into my backyard the night after I put a bear skull out to dry and get cleaned off. My two boys were out in their tent, and our lab started barking like crazy. Woke my oldest boy up, and he unzipped the tent to see the cat about 10 feet away. The cat headed for the fence and he headed in the house scared to death. Woke me up and I had to run out and get my other boy out of the tent. Got a flashlight and found where he had jumped the fence, and ran down behind all the houses on our street. Tracks appeared to be a very young lion, but still pretty brave to come right into town. My boys wouldn't sleep out for quite a while.
get ahold of Doyle of mossback productions out of Salem his wife has a cat permit. he is looking for one.
RE: hit by broom

Have a buddy in Clearfield...He has a couple lion hounds. He took me into his back yard to show me these fearless lion hounds. He opened the Kennel to let them out and when he did over the fence they went. We could hear them headed down through town. Moments later the sound treed. We jumped in the truck about 3 blocks away there was the hounds at the base of a big tree with house cat in tree and granny with broom swatting dogs and my friend. lmfao

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