Link to March 22 Arizona Webcast


Very Active Member
I could not get the list previously posted to work, so I'm posting this other link to view the AZ Sportsmen's Constituent Group webcast tonight. Click on this link and you can view the agenda, then go down and you will see the webcast link they posted in one of the lower paragraphs.

Please view if you can.

Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Did you get the small screen on the bottom of the page?

Did you click on the little circular arrow?

****************************************Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Iv'e been watching since they started. I was just an hour ahead of when it actually started. It was interesting that as they just called for a break a couple minutes ago that they asked for a show of hands of all that were in favor of the SFW tag grab and not a hand went up in the whole place. I hope the Governor's Rep. that's there takes that back to her office and fills her in on what the average Joe thinks of that bunch!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-12 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]This meeting is going waaaaaaaay too passive on the REAL topic. Nobody can even mention the specific organization, lobbying, nor HB#. There have been no suggestions on educating uninformed/uneducated legislators to the North American Model for Wildlife Conservation, nor how to communicate how passionate sportsmen are about this concept. All the legislators will see are $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

I guarantee that is not how SFW operates. These guys need to get serious or it will be too late, and for nothing.

Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Why did you think it would be any different that what it was up to the break? THe Commission can't make any political comments or do anything to stop the tag grab. It's up to the citizens to convince the Legislators not to vote for it! That's basically why when the one constituent got up and asked them to have a show of hands they didn't even want to get into that. It was smart that the next guy got up and asked for a show of hands and none went up. IMO I still think all those attendess and every other person in AZ that is against the tag grab needs to make a march on the Capitol. I doubt that will happen because of apathy and many average people not even knowing what is going on. It won't surprise me at all if the SFW sneaks in the back door with a striker on an existing Bill and gets the friggin tags!
Junior deer hunters and jackrabbits??? Ya gotta be crappin me. There is no time to sit on their hands while Susan Gilstap rapes them in a matter of days! Give me a break. They've read none of my 4 comments.

Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-12 AT 06:01AM (MST)[p]It was obviously for you too muley_73, since I see a smartazz post like you're becoming good at with your username right above this one!
Muley73 do you have family in AZ also? Maybe sfw will send them on some more free hunts or fishin trips? All in the name of conservation huh? Always holding on to daddys tail are ya??
I'm sorry guys. I won a new rifle at the Richfiled banquet so I'm kinda obligated to post. Ha ha ha

I will hand it to you on your conviction. You boys remind me of the crew on the Steve Irwin on Whale Wars. They are sure they are doing the right thing too. They even have a few supports.

On a serious note, I do think it is unbelievable that you keep bringing up the fishing trip that the SFW sent my brother and a fellow soldier on after their return from Iraq. Amazing that you would make than an issue. All I have is respect for those that CHOOSE to go fight for our freedoms. Freedoms that allows ALL of us to do things like get on the Internet and spew our personal feelings and beliefs.
" All I have is respect for those that CHOOSE to go fight for our freedoms. Freedoms that allows ALL of us to do things like get on the Internet and spew our personal feelings and beliefs."

I do too, but I thought SFW was set up to help the habitat and animals, not fund people's hunting trips no matter how worthy the cause or person might be!
Well I guess if you choose to disagree with a group that rewards our veterans then that is also a right you grain from those veterans.
Don't give me that BS because I was a 3 yet Vet myself back in the 60s when Viet Nam was going hot and heavy, so stick it where the sun don't shine as what you are saying has no basis in what I just stated in my previous post!
Well Top you and Lover took it there. I said you had the right to feel that way. You told me to stick it? Guess you earned the right to say what you want, like I said that is fine.

I choose to support what I support and you can choose to support yours. Internet crusades sure seem to keep some thinking they are relevant. Keep typing if it makes you feel better. I'll do the same.

BTW 2 million a year approved by the UT legistation....NOW THAT IS RESULTS!!!! It never happens without the SFW and that my friend is a fact!
SFW is a non profit organization. The money that they raise off of the conservation permits have rules as to where that money is spent. The other money that they raise including donations can be used for what ever as long as it stays within the organization of a non profit set up. They have rules and regulations and must stay within those rules and regulations. They way that they are set up they can do hunts for our veterans as well as people both kids and adults that have special situations. Something that they do a lot of and people respect them for it.
By the way Topgun. I also was in the military during the 60's and know what you went through. THANKS for your service to our Country. I have much respect for those that went through hell during any of our war time situations.
I have been asked along with 4 others to be part of the nomination process for the Hunts for the Brave program sponsored by SFW. Anyone who would like to nominate a Military Veteran, or someone that has served our great country or your local community in a heroic manner can learn more at Applicants can be anyone that you feel is deserving. Acts of valor should be recognized and appreciated, "Hunts for the Brave" was created to do just that. Please visit to learn more. We have had many landowners, outfitters,and business owners offer their services to make this program a success.
That sounds like a program, I'm sure it will be a success!

As usual valid FACTS are brought into the discussion and Top disappears?
Wasn't this post about ANOTHER tag grab in Az? Or was it about donating to the sick and the poor? Great causes but NOT at the forfront of wildlife conservation. Smoke and mirrors.
Actually, the thread topic is about the Sportsmen Constituent Group meeting. G&F asked us specifically to avoid commentary on AZSFW, AZSFWC and HB2072. Everyone in attendance was aware of that situation, what was done and what is still needing to be done. The topic at hand was to give the average outdoorsman an opportunity to raise issues to the G&F Commission without the formality of a Commission meeting and to address the direction of this group going forward.

It was a little intense when the first call for a show of hands for HB 2072 came up. I think the facilitator did the right thing in by ignoring the request. I thought there might be a bench clearing if a few guys did raise their hands in support of the bill and they would have been on the bottom of a nasty dog pile. I happened to be sitting behind two guys that appeared to be in support of the bill and I could see the red flush creeping up their necks.

The potential for a fiasco was there. I've since spoken with one of the commissioners and several employees of the department. I think many good things will come from this first meeting. G&F feels the "critter groups" get their message and agenda to the commission and lobbyists work the legislature but the is no venue for a voice of the non-affiliated sportsmen, which are in the vast majority. This group will be that voice.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-12 AT 02:25PM (MST)[p]muley_73 stated:"As usual valid FACTS are brought into the discussion and Top disappears?"

For your information Mr Smartazz, I had to go out of town for the funeral of a very close high school classmate and just got back to town, so bite me! FYI if you had any reading comprehension, I haven't said doing those kinds of things for our service men and women isn't admirable. I said that wasn't what we all understand the SFW was set up for and I don't see anything about that in their mission statement! What VALID facts are you speaking of?

Birdman---Thanks for yours too! As I mentioned above, that is all well and good, but not what most of us are aware of what the SFW was supposed to be set up for. Great that they can do it and continue everything else you stated they do!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-12 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]sage,

I guess what I was hoping for was for someone to suggest this new group form a committee who's purpose would be to educate legislators on the NAMWC and inform them of what SCG thinks about "certain unnamed pending legislation" and any other relevent issues.

In my opinion that would have been the best way to address the 300# gorilla. And that is what 3 of my 4 unread public comments suggested. I also believe that would have pleased 98 of the 100 people in attendence. And they would have had no shortage of people volunteering to serve on that committee.

That would be the best way to battle HB2072 given SCG has no $300,000/year lobbyist representing them.

Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
you sure don't have to watch all the webcast and or read this worthless thread to see what others consider as a viable option vs. the SFW to preserve our hunting heritage. the meeting was a joke as those in attendance pandered to and let individuals who's primary goal is to end big game hunting as we know it give their 2 cents on wildlife management. that is what you call a weak organization. i certainly wouldn't want this organization in charge of making any serious decisions as it relates to big game management in Az.

any organization that invites it's competitors to speak publicly at their meeting is "OFF THEIR ROCKER." good luck with your new hope. glad to see you all get along so well with the liberal antis....
Wow! Finally the pro tag grabbers found their voices. I could tell by the number of armed guards at the meeting that the SFW crowd had planted the death threat BS. Phony and you think that anti was a threat to me or any other hunter? He sat right in front of me and was just a fly fishing fruit and I am glad he could say his piece. You see, I have never been afraid of getting my butt kicked by anyone and have been in the hospital twice from that exact thing. You guys knew the room would be full of anti-SFW people and you also knew not one of us would stoop to beating on you. Your spokesman that was spitting and shaking should make you proud. Why would anyone think G&F was wrong to invite people against HB2072? The meeting would have had six people instead of 100.
I watched the webcast and it seemed obvious that the sportsmen and sportswomen of Arizona are not interested in having there tags sold at an expo. If that is the case, then so be it.
After reading the worthless post by BTK, I'm going to bed and am heading for Texas early tomorrow on a ten day trip. I hope when I return the Bill has been tossed in the crapper where it has belonged from day one!!! I'm sure BTK and Birdman will keep everyone entertained until my return, LOL!
Sorry for your loss and thanks again for your service.

I agree with Bird, If AZ says no thanks then it's their choice I respect that. If they pass it then I again say it their choice I'll respect that. I wonder if you will respect that decision Top???

Mr. Smartazz because I challenge your opinion (and that is what it is an opinion)? You seem pretty angry and fired up, I'm guessing thats just your style? You call names and attempt to bully when questioned. No thanks my friend I'll just stick to fighting the battles where they matter. When you become relevant then I guess we can have that discussion.

Take care buddy!
The guy that introduced the bill said no thanks.
The Game dept said no thanks.
Sportsmen have said no thanks, and still they continue. They're a minority driven by the prospect of a financial windfall.

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