Limmited entry question


Active Member
I havent seen a whole lot of these threads this year.......yet. Anyhow I am a semi converted (still like to shoot my guns) archer. I love to chase deer with my bow. My buddy and I have been putting in for the last 6 years togather for a limmited entry deer hunt. For the past while we have been going for the Henrys any weapon. Looking at the odds we still have 5 or 6 years before we can count on that one. The archery odds are much better. So I'm thinking of going that way. However the Paunsauguant archery odds have us just about there. I've heard that the Pauns amy weapon isnt that great, but the Muzz is good. I havent heard anything about the archery though. I know that the brothers scored big (from my eastmans)but that they were also on private land. Am I wasting my points trying out the Paunsauguant Archery over waiting for the Henrys?
I would stick with the Henry's as far as archery goes. The muzz hunt was pretty good this year with several nice big bucks taken off the pauns. But the archery is a little different story. Unless you have access to some private on the summer range it could be a frustrating hunt. The Henry's you should be able to find and hunt nice bucks on a daily basis. I looked really hard last year on public land for a monster buck and failed to find one. Lucky for me and my bro. the family owned some property. There have been many great bucks seen on the winter range this year and they are out there somewhere. Hopefully in few more years the summer public ground will be as good as it once was. But in short it may be easier getting a pauns tag but I would bet your chances of having a shot at a true monster are better on the Henry's. just my 2cents.

Good luck for which ever you put in for.


If you have never been down on the Henrys it is a rugged mountain. Im sure you have been down there or you would not have been putting in for 6 years. the deer are not running around down there like they use to, but you will see some quality bucks from time to time if you put your time in. I wouldn't go and say put in for the Henrys over the pauns unless you do your scouting and find some deer and try to figure out a game plan. some parts of those Henry mountains are like the moon, every inch of those hills are RUGGED.Good luck I hope you draw and have the hunt of a lifetime.

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