Limbaugh and Harry Reid?s letter


Very Active Member
Have any of you been following this situation, it's hilarious.

To sum it up, there is a new con going on where people claim to be Iraq war vets, and claim various benefits being offered these vets. Some of them are using their false veteran status to criticize the war and the Bush administration.
A couple of months ago, Radio talk show host and noted conservative Rush Limbaugh referred to these con men as ?Phony Soldiers?.
The liberal propaganda machine ?Media matters? generated a story falsely claiming that Limbaugh was referring to all military people who disagree with the war. Any one who has listened to Limbaugh, or researched the quote knows this is just an attempt to slander and discredit Limbaugh.
Here is where it gets funny.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid, D/Nev. wrote a letter demanding that Limbaugh apologize. He also got 40 other liberal senators to sign it. They all know good and well the charges are false, and this letter is an attempt to use the power of the U.S. Senate to stifle free speech and shut Limbaugh up. It didn't work. Limbaugh took the letter and put it on E-bay, as a charitable auction with the proceeds to go to a foundation that provides scholarships to the children of fallen soldiers and law enforcement. He also offered to match the selling price with an equal donation of his own money.
The letter just sold for 2.1 million dollars, an all time record for E-bay charitable auctions.
This is some serious public humiliation for Reid and all the senators who signed the letter.
If they wanted to make Rush shake they should just see to it he does'nt get his dope.

From what I heard his words were taken somewhat out of context, probably. the dems tried to pull the same tricks that have been pulled on them and it backfired, well sort of nobody but his ditto heads care about Rush or what he blabbers anyway so big deal.

This is all pretty much a mute point , the war is winding down . the dems can't speed it up and the republicans can't stop it. it looks now as if it will just fade away, maybe that's the best compromise for both sides.
" From what I heard his words were taken somewhat out of context, probably. the dems tried to pull the same tricks that have been pulled on them and it backfired, well sort of nobody but his ditto heads care about Rush or what he blabbers anyway so big deal."

The big deal Dude and you know as well as I do is the FACT that a do nothing Dem congress went out of their way to smear a civilian. This is unpresidented. It shows just what a bunch of low down scumbags have planned for the rest of us. Reid and the other 40 Senators that signed that letter shows just how disgraceful the Senate has become under the Dem Leadership. They call Petraeus a LIAR and now they are on to smearing citizens of this country for political gain.

Of course you could care less how our Government treats people, born or unborn, right Dude!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
As I see it, this has nothing to do with the war. The majority leader of the U.S. senate tried to us his power to stifle free speech and shut down a critic. This goes against the very foundation of this country and ignores the 1st amendment. Further more, the (liberal) press is ignoring it. This is (or at least it should be) a big story, front page news. It doesn't matter if it involves Limbaugh or an average citizen, what Harry Reid did was unthinkable, and if republican senator did, the press would crucify him. If this had been done to anybody else, the press would be on it like a hungry dog, but the main stream press if afraid of Limbaugh.
If nothing else the fact that 4.2 million dollars was raised for charity should warrant a story on the evening news, but they are afraid to give Limbaugh any positive press.
202 when did congress call Petreaus a liar? infact congress voted to condemn that ad . The lunitics who called Petreaus a liar are as radical to the left as you are to the right, none of you speak for mainstream America just your fringe wack baskets.

Nobodys affraid of Limbagh, they just don't care . I read where Ed Shultz, the biggest name in liberal radio has begged Rush to debate him over and over and all Rush will say is Shultz is a nobody and not worth his time. no doubt Rush has many more dittos than Shultz but he is the best known lib radio personality, what's Rush affraid of? wouldn't pounding the dems favorite talk show host make for a good show? without his mute button and dope Rush is just a pansy loser.

This is all politics as usual, both sides do it so accept it and expect it.
Dude, the condemnation of was based on FACTS, the attack on Rush was based on LIES from the liberal blogs, big difference. Reid knew that, yet he put politics ahead of decor and civility. If you say they are the same, you are kidding yourself. One group attacks the troops at every turn, the other person defends the troops at every troop. Ask a soldier that is over in Iraq who they think is on their side, Rush or 9 out of 10 will say Rush, I'll bet money on that. Where/when has a Republican done anything close to what Reid did? Give me a specific example please.

Valerie Plame comes to mind right away, or is Rush's pride more important than a CIA agent? I'll have to read the National Enquirer if you want a celebrity back stabbing example, I don't follow that as much as politics.
"without his mute button and dope Rush is just a pansy loser."

A pansy loser who just generated 4.2 mil for a good cause.

You may hate the guy, but he's done a damn sight more for the troops than any of us have.

Reid, in fact, is the loser in this.
Valerie Plame was such a secret agent that her CIA secret agent code name was Val P. WOW she was deep, deep cover. She is a grandstanding joke Dude.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-07 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p] Reid pushed to get 199 million for a new VA hospital and 420 million for a new homeless vets home, Rush may have been more entertaining with his tactics but Reid does have a long history of supporting vets.

When you're trying to pick who's the best between a polititian and a drug addict blow hard radio host you've hit bottom.
I figured someone would have to discredit Plame, if she's a nobody why did the CIA edit 10% of her book? and that's after she tried to write it for approval.

Give me a break, if she was a republican supporter ratted out by the dems you'ld call her the second coming of Christ. I doubt she's as important as she says she was, but with the whitehouse's use of excecutive privilege and pardons for saying the right thing we'll never know will we.

Why don't you try to discredit Gen. Sanchez while you're at it? or is he a harder taget to bring down? he's doing your cause more harm than some cute ex CIA agent and he's one of yours.
" 202 when did congress call Petreaus a liar? infact congress voted to condemn that ad . The lunitics who called Petreaus a liar are as radical to the left as you are to the right, none of you speak for mainstream America just your fringe wack baskets."

Hdude do you mean you can honestly tell all of us on this board that you have forgotten your Presidential candidates words to Petreus himself. I believe she said "a willing suspension of disbelief" Good grief Dude!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Hillary will be your president as much as mine so don't give her to me. what she said was far from calling him a liar, Petreaus is loyal to Bush and he should be questioned and required to back his statements with facts. whenever opinions are being used to base a war on those opinions are subject to question. as Regan said, trust but verify.

First elk season starts tomarrow and goes through Sunday, I'm off to load my horse and head up the hill so I hope FTW or someone will keep you staightened out. it's no small task but someones got to do it.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-07 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]So what would you call what she said Dude?
I know this is a stupid question to ask you after all your moral compas is so upside down there is no telling what you think?

I hope you take a nice bull. Good luck and take pictures.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Saying, "a willful suspension of the truth" is NOT merely asking questions. That is flatout calling the General a liar, to say otherwise is a suspension of the truth on your part!

Good luck in your elk hunt.
I find it telling that you still have failed to address the original point of my post. The fact that a sitting U.S. Senator has tried to use the power of the U.S. senate to slander and stifle the free speech of a U.S. citizen.
There is no question that Harry Reid CARES what Rush says, and no question that he intentionally took Rush?s comments out of context.
So, as a resident defender of liberalism, what do you think of what Harry Reid and his forty flunkies did ? Do you find it acceptable that the most powerful democratic politician stooped to such low levels ?
I also find it equally telling that the press has ignored this story, refused to publish it. They certainly found it news worthy when Rush had his little bout whit pills, but now that he (Rush) looks good and the liberal senator looks like a corrupt fool, they just can't find the time ?

The CIA would edit 10% out of the janitors book. You have to be putting on an act. You can't be serious.


I would be comforted if the media had ignored the story, they actually have to know the true story but have been telling the lie.

Thanks to people like Rush, the internet, and FoxNews, stories like this are 'exposed' for what they are, twenty years ago we all would only have the 'main stream' media's version of 'facts' reported. THAT is why Reid and other liberals want to shut down Rush, because they do NOT believe in free speech, nor do they believe in being honest with their supposed outrage over NOTHING!

>Thanks to people like Rush, the
>internet, and FoxNews, stories like
>this are 'exposed' for what
>they are, twenty years ago
>we all would only have
>the 'main stream' media's version
>of 'facts' reported. THAT is
>why Reid and other liberals
>want to shut down Rush,
>because they do NOT believe
>in free speech, nor do
>they believe in being honest
>with their supposed outrage over

Exactly! Rush exposes them for what they really are, and it makes them livid! I love it!

I listen to Rush almost every day. Some of his stuff is really quite humerous! And truthful. Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!

Have you guys noticed how right sided this conversation has gotten since the "DUDE" left? I swear, if it weren't for him, the rest of us wouldn't have anything to argue about. We would all be preachin to the choir.

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