Lifes Too Short


LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-09 AT 05:05PM (MST)[p]From time to time we all have something happen that reinforces how short and precious Life is. Buglers' post about his grandfather really hit home and I realized I've been so busy I really hadn't done anything with my 78 year old Dad in several months. My Wife and I are taking him fishing tomorrow something he loves to do.

I got to thinking there are many of us on this site with aging family members who, like Buglers Grandfather, have taught us much of what we know about the outdoors and were instrumental in instilling a love, passion and respect for nature we hold to this day.

How about making the time to take that family member out for a day in the outdoors and share the pictures here with the rest of us. I'll kick it off after tomorrows fishing trip.I'm looking forward to seeing your pics. The memories will be priceless.... Terry
Stick where you from? Im from the valley originally, in Eagar now. Had to come down for this unfortunately, so im in queen creek till Monday.
Threw a little football with dad my son and nephew today just to break things up a little i guess. My family is very tight so we had a house full today visting. His heart is at about 9% function so he is confined to bed. I dont know how much longer. Anyways I didnt want to tarnish your nice thread with taht news just wanted to say thanks, and when the lakes thaw up in my neck of the woods come on up and maybe we can dunk a line together, bring your pop.
I am going to insist my dad come up and do the same as much as possible this year. I realize now that I have lived half of my life and been too rigid with not enough bend or give. Too bad it has taken something such as this for me to realize how fragile our hearts really are.
Take care buddy and thanks again for your kind words.
I'm in east Mesa just up the road from Queen Creek on Ellsworth. Gonna be heading out in a half hour or so to meet Dad when he gets off work (Yeah at 78 the old cuss still works) and go get his fishing license. We will be fishing the Salt by the bridge for stockers tomorrow morning. If you happen to be driving by stop and say Hi. I have a Big Red F-250 that will be hard to miss.... Terry
Excellent point. I know of another MMer who is dealing with aging family members right now and it's never easy. Without deliberately trying to sound cliche, from someone who has been there and done that, make every day count.
I read Bugler's post and the responses to it. But I have some neat ideas for memories of loved ones that will probably last for generations. You have to have someone that's good at doing video movies or video slide shows. My mother died suddenly almost 12 yrs. ago. I have a neice that did a beautiful slide show, with stills, old 8mm home movie clips of Mom and Dad through their 54 yrs. together, including pics from WWII when they were just dating, then later when they were married. They raised five of us children, and we were very family-oriented- I saw pictures I hadn't seen in 10 to 20 yrs. on that program- talk about reliving memories. This year, my sister did a slide program covering 50 yrs. of family deer hunts, 4-h horse events, parades, deer camps, pack trips, hunting camps- it was amazing!! (I'm now 62 and have long given up the packing and hunting trips on horseback)- but, oh! What memories just from watching that video and the other one. Another video was where one of Dad's grandkids sat him in front of a camera and interviewed Dad about his experiences growing up in the Great Depression, WW II,moving out from the east coast to the west coast, working in mines (Dad worked for 37 years as an equipment operator in a mine). Anyway, it is too late for some that have already passed on, but you can create memories for you and your family to help0 you relive so many precious and choice experiences.
As most of you guys know, we had to turn back a Monroe elk permit back last year due to an illness my father in law has. He has been undergoing chemo and things haven't changed much. I have been hoping and praying that he would recover so that we could go get him his dream bull this year.
As I read your posts, your thoughts and feelings hit home pretty hard. I have spent a lot of quality time hunting with him and those memories are becoming more dear to me as each day passes. I really wanted to give him a great hunt this fall, and I am still hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. We are going to get his application in with the hopes that he will have the strength to enjoy one last wonderful hunt.

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys and I hope that as we all go down this path we call life, that the memories we have etched in our minds will help get us thru the inevitable outcome.
Well Dad and I had our fishing trip yesterday. The fish weren't biting but we got to spend some good quality time together talking about past fishing and hunting trips and the good old days in Montana. Unfortunately I lost my footing in the river with the camera in my fishing vest and don't know if I'll be able to recover any of the pics. If I do I'll post them..... Terry
Well the chip didn't get damaged but the camera is toast. Here's some pics from our outing;

Fog on the river driving in:

Dad Rigging up:

Another Dad pic:

River Scenery:

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