Life on Mars?

Looks like a shadow to me, however it does really represent a human like form. Who knows? Maybe they'll have a non-res martian hunt next year!

I have been told that it is about 2 inches tall. according to nasa and their calculations.

just what i've heard.

C'mon now, it's 202 typical! That's why he doesn't buy into man-made global warming and knows first hand it's getting hotter on Mars too. :)

Come to think of it I don't believe I've ever seen 202's photo. Maybe it is him. I guess bigfoot was a long shot anyway.

Ransom, if it's only 2" tall, I doubt it's Bigfoot. I mean it could be a Martian Bigfoot, I suppose........

That just happens to be a chick reaching for a beer on the shores of Lake Powell ... notice the boobs??? anyway she was ugly so we just left her there and the sunburn got out of control. Whatever ... she was really ugly. Enough of the BIGFOOT crap.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-08 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]Overton....over.....
Overton....appears to be a malfunction over
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-08 AT 10:16PM (MST)[p]I wonder what Ari Fleischer, Scotty McClellan, Tony Snow, and Dana Perino think and all past WH Spokesmen about Baghdad Bob. Maybe something like, "There before the grace of god..." comes to mind.

I'll say one thing...he earned every penny of his paycheck down to the last second.
Bob did earn it. Kinda miss the fellow because he kept things lively.
Sorry about the 3 blank postings, I was sharing some buck photos with another member and then nuked them.

Why did you nuke them? I kinda liked the hats!

Ive seen a picture of littlefoot. He takes photos of elk and traps beavers. That ain't him.


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