Life Dream: Riding a Bull


Active Member
For some reason my life dream is to ride a bull. Yes, I have good insurance....

This summer I will be heading to Wyoming to visit Yellowstone. Does anyone know how I can go about arranging a bull ride? I just want to try this 1 time, even if the ride is only .2 seconds. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be more than appreciate it.

Hope you can help.
Can't help ya but ya got a set of bull balls on ya if you can do that. I'm to dang chicken to even think about trying. Good luck!
Can't help you arrange a ride but I've tried it. I got hurt, couldn't walk for a week. Do not underestimate their speed and power! Hold on tight! Your never really ready for it just hope for the best!

There used to be some bull riding schools an clinics around the western states , you could check in to one of those which would probably be your best option . At least that way your getting some instruction and tips instead of just going at it blind .

In Utah we have a few places where you can go on certain nights for practice rides , that is if your crazy enough .
Bull riders say it isn't when or where you get hurt, but how badly. Jerome Davis knows that one; he has a spinal injury that left him paralyzed for life. Lane Frost got gored by a bulls horn that ruptured his spleen or one of his vital organs and died from it, if he had been riding today the vest bullriders wear would have probably saved him. Tuff Hedeman had total reconstructive surgery on his face when Bodacious the bull slammed his shoulder blades into Tuff's face. There are pics of it on the net, google it up; you may change your mind about wanting to hop on an animal that weighs close to an elk and has the attitude of a rattlesnake on a hot day.
First, how old are you?

Second, are you of sound mind?

Third, can you provided a certified certificate of that insurance you mentioned?

Fourth, is there someone that can take your temperature so we know your not typing with a high fever?

Fifth, is anyone with a drivers license traveling with you?

Sixth, are you willing to put you life, after this "Life Dream" on hold indefinitely?

Seventh, do your parents know this is your Life Dream and can you provide their contact information so someone can let them know which facility you've been taken to?

Eighth, were you thinking the dirt in the area is loose and or tilled up?

Ninth, have you ever had a pick-up parked on our femur?

Finally, tenth, can you control your bowels when you're scared $hitless?

Now, then, depending on your answers, and IF, your going to be traveling through Richfield, Utah there are some folks that might be interested in video taping a uTube or Jacka$$ clip. I might be able to get them to run one in for you.

On a more serious note: """"TAKE"""" foundations advise an find someone like these guys, there are others, use Google. If you just show up somewhere and get on one your Life Dream is going to be your Nightmare.

Well, not really but it's not exactly something the above average thrill seeker can get away with, there's a reason most rodeo contestants don't ride bulls.



I used to work and pal around with a guy who was a really good bull rider. I went a couple of times and watched them practicing on steers and some old dairy cows. I got talked into trying a dairy cow and it unassed me pretty quick both tries. It was kind of fun and definatley a rush, they said it wasn't anything compared to a real bull. You'd have real potential to get hurt. Since I'm over 50 now I can attest to the fact that stupid things you do in your youth will hurt when you get older and limit the fun things you should be able to do later in life.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-11 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]You might ought to consider starting that career on a sheep like most EVERY other bullrider did.

This is NOT something you should just "go do".

There is no safety net and as been pointed out, some great bullriders have been permanently disabled and killed.

But hey, do what you gotta do!

We have a nasty attitude, blind Angus bull I can put you on....then when he throws you, at least he won't be able to find you and stomp on you to investigate what you had for breakfast!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
heres what you do you put a handfull of marbles in your mouth then you have someone kick you in the groin and every time they kick you you spit a marble out and when you have lost all your marbles then you will be a bull rider and i but you wont want to ride one again lol
The Leffew Ranch in Nipomo is 15 minutes from my house. Has been for the last 38 years. I once thought of giving it a shot until I realized I like my nuts exactly where they are. Good luck, my friend!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
>heres what you do you put
>a handfull of marbles in
>your mouth then you have
>someone kick you in the
>groin and every time they
>kick you you spit a
>marble out and when you
>have lost all your marbles
>then you will be a
>bull rider and i but
>you wont want to ride
>one again lol


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

You wanna know what it's like to ride a bull? Wait til your in the sack with your wife, when the fun starts whisper in her ear "this is just how your little sister likes it!"
Then try to stay on top for eight seconds!

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So, HorseCreek, we're sure your speaking with a voice of experience. Cause to make that comparison, you'd have had to lived through both rides, one bull, one wife, we know you're lie'en about her sister.

Question, where as both choices were brilliant, which came first, the bull ride or the beat'en because it's pretty clear you didn't learn much from the first mistake you made. Do you make these choices spontaneously or are do they come to you after careful consideration?

Keep us posted from time to time what your up to, you sound like a fun guy to check in on once in a while.

I'm just going to comment on the title of this thread. You should change it to "End of Life Dream: Riding a Bull". It's dangerous enough for an experienced rider. It's a death wish for someone to get on one cold turkey. One suggestion, get some good life insurance if you've got a wife and kids so you don't leave them out in the cold.

It's always an adventure!!!
I've a bunch of friends that WERE bull riders. Hardy group of fellows, all wanting to make the big time yet got hurt or just quit from not being good enough long before any serious money came their way. To the man, none that i know regret doing as they did. They seem to carry that "badge" of once being a bull rider with them, i think they always will.

Unlike some here, i think that if you are young enough and in good shape, why the heck not. Chances of getting seriously hurt in your first few rides is there but probably wouldn't be all that great and if that's what you really want to do, get after it!

You don't get to this

and a lot of times this

until you ride a lot of bulls like this

I'm not suggesting that you try to make Bull riding your profession. But, to get it out of your system,...

The PBR is Bad Azz!!

jeepers the guy is not in the world finals riding bodacious. there is starter level or old wore out critters just for a i did it ride. wear the gear hop on something wore out and give er hell. the story you can tell around the campfire for the rest of your life does not need all the details. don't you guys listen to bill engval. I AM A COWBOY.
You best start out with a bucking barrel and then move up from there,I'm sure one of the CW bars in your area has a Bucking Bull Machine.Don't worry to much about what will happen if you get thrown your plan will come to you in a instant.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
So, moose, you're suggesting he ride the easy guys and embelish the story to sound a lot better than it actually is? I guess it couldn't is the American Way. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Your only young once go for it... I'll never forget my brother rode a bull one time just like you want to " just because" funniest thing I think I've ever seen. Believe me it's all about talent. Good luck and post up some pics.
have you tried a mechanical bull ? i am with you it would be a thrill. especialy if you were at the pbr! lots of respect for those guys. as fat as i am the ride might not be that bad. might be more like barell racing with my beer belly bouncing out of my fitted wrangler shirt.......
Its not like your going to be riding bodacious! Go do it! I did and don't regret a second of it! Even the recovery. I did it once I don't need to do it again though.

Saddle brocs are fun too, only did that once also. I shared that experience on here a while ago.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-11 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]Its not a crazy dream. Couple things on my bucketlist I wanted to do and ride a bull was one of them I did, twice. Buddy has a ranch in NE and he has several bulls that are used on the local circuit. Not the big time bulls that the PBR uses but big, quick bulls that should scare any sane individual. I practiced on a barrel with 3 ropes/springs tehtered out to poles. The motion of the barrel was dictated by a rope attached to it someone would pull on. I did fairly well I thought... on to the real thing. I was scared as sh#t getting on the first one. I hadn't had anything that big between my legs since Cindy Jenson on prom night. Right out of the gate the bull threw me off the firt buck but I landed on my feet. I thought "that wasn't so bad". Second trip, not so good. I handled the first buck but the first turn he made threw me. I landed on my shoulder/side, hit my head on the ground. Glad I was wearing the football helmet. The ground felt a lot harder than when we were walking on it. I gasped for breath for 5 minutes but hadn't broken anything but my pride. Anyway, I say go for it.
Lumpy, that was definitely not from my experience. I was told that story by an old WY cowboy that swore he'd tried it ONCE. I never laughed so hard in my life!

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I broke my collar bone riding a donkey drunk at a party in college.... I think it was the 12th or 13th ride of the night when it good luck with the bull riding!!!
I did it a few is crazy.

Back when I was in college, they had a rodeo in the Blackhawk Arena in Salina every week. If you paid the could get on the bull. Now remember this is not PBR stuff, this is just small town rodeo stuff. We would travel down from Snow College every week and then whoever got the drunkest we would be bet on who could ride the longest! Great memories and I loved trying to ride them critters! Got hurt a few times, but always had fun.

But after seeing NV's picture here....I should of done a lot more riding of that...than bulls in Salina UT.
If its a life dream do it, im sure you could find some ranchers in Wyo, or MT that would have no problem letting you try to kill yourself... They love a good laugh... You wouldn't catch me climbing on one. I worked on a ranch with them critters, and i know how big and mean they can be. Get into a amateur rodeo so hundreds can watch and drink beer to your silliness though

"Like a midget at the urinal, always be on your toes!"
You are thinkin Wyomin , we watch are brothers from the north east ride the sheep . You try not to watch and laugh , but its like some thing you just cant help .
They have a saddle bronc you can Kmart, but it cost a quarter.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I appreciate the replies! I'm not interested in doing this more than once, its more of a 1 and done type of thing. And if find a ranch to ride at it will definitely be on the last day of the trip.

If I end up riding a bull I will definitely post the pictures and video.

Again, I am looking for a ranch in Wyoming.
ss13 I have to admire your determination if your still interested after reading the above posts . It's cool to have bucketlist things you want to do while your still young , and before age , and wisdom makes you think twice about dangerous events . Its true you could get hurt walking down the road or just doing every day things , but your talking about a event where you there is a higher chance of getting hurt .

I still think your better off attending a school and getting some actual practice on a barrel and getting some real instruction on what to do and what not to do .

Not sure what part of the country you are in , but you could do some internet searches and see whats available in your area . I just checked and there was a few options . There is Bull Riding Inc. that I found on a goggle search . I was surprised they where located in New Jersey .

When I was in Jellystone last year I recall reading some thing about nightly rodeos in Cody , Wyoming . I also saw a litle rodeo arena by West Yellowstone and I thought that also had a sign for nightly rodeos . So couple of options there , pay your entry fee and borrow a bull rope . I think thats a bad option and probably going to be a bad experience .

One way to look at it , some people want to parachute or scuba dive and I would venture a guess that most of those people get some type of instruction , practice , or lessons before they do it . Just think it all they way through , who knows you may really like it and be the next great bull rider .

One last thing , My horse shoer's brother is one of the top ranked PBR riders and when I talk with him next I'll ask him if he aware of any thing in Wyoming .

Good luck
make sure you have the camera running when they open the chute.. being your 1st time..( just like sex) it will be over fast!I rode bulls years ago.. remember to use your left hand to hold on.. if you are right handed.. that way you can still have a good arm when its over.. just kiddin.. I'am sure the guys there in cody will help with the equipment you will need.. In the old days I would loan my stuff to guys who didn't with alot of advice..
Well...look for small town rodeos for easy bulls it might be hard to get signed up though, Cody Nite Rodeo? i got a few bulls but they only screw the cows, you could come sit on one? JK good luck in your adventure.
What a fascinating study in human nature we provide.

Some guy that nobody knows, throws a puck into the rink, we lunge into a donny brook, knock the goals off the posts, slash up the goalie, go into the stands, route the fans, rip out the seats, burn down the building, just generally have a big old time, look around and ss13 hasn't been seen or heard from since he dropped the puck.

What the hell, what did we need him for anyway. Well........thanks for the puck ss13, you should have at least stuck around to see the fun.

Love it!

whoops, sorry ss13, I missed your last post, now I'm the one needing to apologize. Figured you'd just left the building but I was wrong, you did get to see all the fun we've been having.

Well since no one has said it yet:

"I went sky-diving, I went Rocky Mountain Climbing, I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu-manchu"

Yep - take the chance, live like you were dying, cause if you get on a bull you just might be!

I went rock climbing once with some friends in Southern Utah, got out on a sheer rock face, only hanging on by my fingertips and hoped like hell my shoes didn't slip. Looked around, hell of a view but that ground was a long freaking way down. Thought to myself - well, this is exactly why I never ever rode a bull either, my mother only raised two fools and both are younger than me. Got off that rock and never got back on another one like that. Yeah, I don't feel the need to ride a bull anymore either.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I saw that you wanted to ride a bull. I run the Rodeo Association in Ten Sleep, WY. It is about 2 hours from Yellowstone. We have a rodeo over Memorial Day Weekend and the 4th of July weekend. If you want to come up and ride a bull we could definately find you one and get all the necessary equipment you might need. Give me a message if you are really serious and we can hook you up.

Curt Mayer
Outlaw Rodeo Wear LLC
Ten Sleep, WY
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

I hope you dance"

Ithink its great you want to try bullriding. contrary to most peaples opinion on here its not like you get hurt all the time. If you wear a helmut and a vest its not that bad.As long as you are in good shape and not to old!
Both of my sons ride and its a good time, I got on em back in the day and like Johnny Cash said in the song "one upon a spinnin ton nothin else can compare.
If ya come thru utah look me up we have some buddies that own bulls and a place to buck them so it would be no problem to get ya on one.
See yesterdays results of a 16 year old girl riding a bull in Florida.........very sad.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I live in Cody. The nightly rodeo is from Memorial Day to Labor Day. From what I understand you just got to show up and pay the entry fee. Last I knew it was $25, but that was 15-20 years ago.
Get yourself a stick horse and practice. I gave one to my grandson thinking I might get him a pony in a few years. I would have never thought a stick horse could buck ya off till I tried it. He can't ride it across the room without getting trompled.


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