License Fee Increases update 1-25

Knew it wouldnt...through the rumor mill.

Should have just went for a Resident increase, may have gotten some traction.
Wow, that's surprising. Makes you kinda wonder about where or how they might try to make up the shortfall.

Semper Fi
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 11:23AM (MST)[p]thank god,now my son and me can afford to continue to hunt wyoming,thanks for the update G-14
I can't believe it, but I think you are right BuzzH. A decent increase for all of us is one thing, but the huge NR increases they wanted were hard to swallow. It's too bad they can't just put a 1/2 cent tax per gallon of fuel, 50 cents on to each motel room fee, or something similar and dedicate it to the outdoors and be done with it instead of relying on hunters/anglers to bail them out every time to run all the other programs that all persons should be paying for!
Good deal. I really think we need to be looking at other sources and dare I say it long term cost saving measures.

On the flip side I managed to accept it was going to pass and started planning as such. Nice to know I do not need to take drastic measures this year...

I still think a small tax on energy related activity would pay huge. My favorite mule deer spot was ruined by a well location this year. I am pretty certain I will never again see the quality of bucks I had seen in the past in that areas again. time will tell but it is hard for a buck to get too big when a person drives past it in a truck everyday.
Darn right!! Tax the other guy. That is always the best answer. A small tax in addition to the 12.5% of top line revenue that coal pays to the feds for every ton it takes out of the ground. Makes sense to me. Why isn't it the responsibility of the energy businessses to make sure my trophy quality doesn't suffer.

My favorite coal mining spot is being ruined by Sage Grouse. Maybe we should tax grouse hunters. The coal was there first.

Increases for all of us is a more sensible solution to the problem. All hunters need to pay our own way. That is what makes the system work. Resident and Non-res alike. Res prices are too low. Thats the place to start.
Buzz, Do you still seriously think the WG&F/legislature will consider cutting back to 10% nonres tags?
The House Committee should be commended for showing some common sense. I like the part about not wanting to raise the fees because it will turn hunting into a rich mans sport. Finally someone gets it!

Thanks Wyoming.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 01:39?PM (MST)


The WG&F wouldnt have any choice, all you have to do is influence the Legislature and rally Resident hunters. It isnt hard to do that...we've already seen the results pan out this session.

Before you say it will never happen...I'd consider the following:

The Montana Legislature passed a bill allowing guys like me (Montana Native Residents), to purchase deer, elk, upland bird, and fishing licenses for 4x the resident fees. Meaning I was able to hunt elk and deer in Montana as NR for $144 for both elk and deer ($80 for elk, $64 for deer).

Theres also a coming home to hunt program.

I never thought either of those bills had a snowballs chance in hell of passing.

I also didnt think that the NR DIY quota of tags would be cut in New Mexico either, with the balance going back in the Resident draw. Yet...thats exactly what happened.

If I were a NR like you, I'd just shut my pie-hole, thank my lucky stars that Wyoming Residents are not asking why, in times of lower tag numbers, NR are getting 20-40% of the available tags in Wyoming.

Maybe I'd be smart enough to leave it alone...and quit being a whining, sniveling, a$$hole about things that didnt impact my NR opportunities in Wyoming. The very last thing I'd do is tell Wyoming Residents what kind of point system they need...or if they need one at all.

But, hey, keep up the good work, you're making the up to 10% of the quota look better all the time.

I can assure you, the day deer/elk tags go LQ state wide...NR quotas will be slashed. You'll be remembering the "good old days" when it only took you 5 years to draw all those great tags.

Count on it, as I'll be the one leading that charge.
Anyone looked at the price of guns and ammo lately?
Simple economics says that when the demand goes up, so does the price!
Good hunting tags are scarce and Wyoming has it's share, so since everybody wants one, there will be more and more people who are willing to step up and pay higher prices to get one.
It may not happen this year, but eventually "simple economics" will require it.
That means it will inevitable become a "rich mans game".
Too many of us think we have the right to hunt and not pay the price.
I don't like higher prices, but I love to hunt, so if that means working an extra job to do it, so be it.
I'm not exactly telling Wyo residents what kind of pref pt system they need, but am trying to open some eyes as to what they are actually missing out on!

I happen to have a number of Wyo res friends that I seldom hunt with in Wyo because they seldom draw tags...while I continue to draw tags. I'm not too terribly selfish trying to help others work out a system that may benefit everyone....not just myself! Obviously by many of your comments you are pretty much thinking only about yourself and your own agenda!

I'm not too terribly scared about nonres quotas! Last time I checked outfitters have quite a bit of say in what happens in Cheyenne and the WG&F. Me and other nonres bring a pretty good chunk of $ to Wyo's economy. This isn't the day and age that Wyo in searching for ways to cut their budget. Last time I checked Wyo res elk tags were $52 and nonres were $1057 and $577. If my math is correct it takes 20 res tags to equal a single special priced $1057 nonres elk tag and 10 reg $577 priced tags.

Wyo nonres pref pt system works great and I hope Wyo residents someday have the opportunity to take full advantage of some sort of pref/bonus pt system so they can draw more great tags!
So you really think that making the Gas company pony up a little money for all the crap they create on the land is out of whack? I am not anti energy, but come on, they have built roads, spread weeds, took out habitat, and are only getting worse all of the time. When the Atlantic Rim wind farm goes on board it will get worse. Yes I believe that a small tax could make huige a difference. In an earlier post I figured out that a $.000001 per cubic foot of natural gas leaving the state would result in about $6 million a year.

Sorry no offense but coal is an important but dieing industry... Just the way life is... On the flip side Anadarko and the like have significant negative impacts on the land and wildlife. They have a direct effect on the environment and the wildlife in the area. So that is why they should have a cost associated with that fee.

No matter how you look at it any such tax will result in the price being passed to consumers any how. In essence when Natural gas is concerned WY would be using all of America to help out its wildlife...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 02:19PM (MST)[p]>Darn right!! Tax the other
>guy. That is always
>the best answer. A
>small tax in addition to
>the 12.5% of top line
>revenue that coal pays to
>the feds for every ton
>it takes out of the
>ground. Makes sense to
>me. Why isn't it
>the responsibility of the energy
>businessses to make sure my
>trophy quality doesn't suffer.
>My favorite coal mining spot is
>being ruined by Sage Grouse.
> Maybe we should tax
>grouse hunters. The coal
>was there first.
>Increases for all of us is
>a more sensible solution to
>the problem. All hunters
>need to pay our own
>way. That is what
>makes the system work.
>Resident and Non-res alike.
>Res prices are too low.
> Thats the place to

I had to reread your post... Just as I thought! It was one of the dumbest... OK the dumbest thing I have heard all day.
I had resigned myself to the fact that tag prices were going up, why not, everything else has. My initial reaction was a smile but the simple fact is if there's not enough $ something has to give. No way can I say what should or shouldn't happen out there when I'm 1,500 miles away but it does give me pause.
I always thoroughly enjoy the state, it's people, the country and my time there and if something has to change I can't help but wonder what that might be.

Semper Fi
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 02:34?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 02:29?PM (MST)


You can argue money all day long...but its a red herring.

You're a fool if you dont think that the Residents...who hunt, work, and live, and most importantly, VOTE in Wyoming dont have a HUGE influence over the State Legislature. The Legislature could give a chit about some d-bag from Colorado who's hunting here as a particular when their jobs on the line.

You're forgetting who it is that gives them a job...and who has the authority to take their jobs away.

You're also an idiot if you dont think that the 40% of Wyomings Population, that hunt, dont have the political clout to change the current NR quotas.

It could happen easily, all you have to do is copy surrounding states like NM, UT, AZ, MT, etc. who all have adopted a "no more than 10%" rule.

Take my advice...quit digging.

As far as your WY Resident friends who dont hunt each year because they "cant draw"...please point out that they can buy 6 antelope tags OTC each year, 6 (or more) Deer tags each year OTC, 1 black bear tag OTC, 2 lion tags OTC, and 3 elk tags OTC.

If they arent hunting they ought to look in the mirror...idiots.

I get flat tired of killing big-game every year in Wyoming...the opportunities are ridiculous.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]jims,

I'm the one with the "agenda"....

I happen to have a number of Wyo res friends that I seldom hunt with in Wyo because they seldom draw tags


Lets adopt a point system so jims can hunt with his friends.

jims,'re like the guy that brings a knife to a gun-fight.
Since the House shot down the G&F license fee increase, it makes me wonder if the House will give the pref point bill will get a hard look now since it would generate $400K per yr or so to the G&F. Or maybe they just think the G&F is properly funded. Second guessing legislators is like trying to read my wife's mind. Ain't happening.
All I can tell you is that the House Committee asked more questions about sf85 than they did HB124 while hearing 124.

There seemed to be a lot of discussion about sf85 and the need for it...

Myself and several others pointed out all the problems that preference point systems create.
Thanks Buzz for all the kind words! I can't wait to meet you in person some day. You seem like a great guy!

The point I was making about not being able to hunt w/my Wyo res buddies is they have trouble drawing tags. They hunt every year but are hunting general or 2nd choice units. A pref pt system more than likely improve their chances of drawing tags that I draw every couple years.

Wyo nonres pref pt system works great and would allow Buzz and his wife to draw more limited tags!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]jims,

Doubt that will ever happen, us meeting in the field...Residents never get to hunt because they dont draw any tags...remember?

Thats reserved for the NR's, who get great tags every year, via the preference point system.

I'll try to keep that in mind as I'm out filling a ridiculous number of tags for deer, elk, pronghorn, lion, bear, and wolf this fall in Wyoming. You know the place where I cant draw tags because Residents dont have a preference point system.

Good grief...I have a garage full of horns and antlers from my lack of drawing tags in Wyoming.

How did that happen?
Geez, the poor guys have to hunt 2nd choice or general tags to hunt every year---ain't that a GD shame, LOL! jims you're talking out your azz today and it's getting old because you have absolutley no statistics to back up your claims. I'm also still waiitng to see all those trophy horns you've been taking on all of those "premium tags" you keep drawing every year or two, LOL!
Unless a nonresident is applying for relatively easy draw areas I don't see how they're drawing very many tags with pp. Residents in favor of pp probably haven't drawn in a while. With pp they'll draw a good tag once then wait just as long if not longer as point creep sets in if the proposed system is used.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-13 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]Extremism- I guess its not just for those other guys.
Its fun to argue on the internet and it is mid January, but how about looking at things from someone else's shoes?

Of course nonresidents don't have the same opportunities as residents, and I don't think anyone meant that.
But preference and bonus point systems do mean that the available tags will go to a more varied group of hunters, and I think that's what was implied.

About this fee increase bill being shot down?
Since there are a lot of simpletons in the legislature, I wonder if the comment about hunting becoming a rich mans sport was being pointed at the proposed resident increase, or the nonresident increase? or was it made about fee increases in general?
It can get a little interesting this time of year can't it.

I think the bigger reason for this being shot down had to do with the potential impact on local communities that count on Nonres hunters. I spoke with John Freeman about this, he was the only one that voted yes. He seemed more concerned about the business impact than anything but still felt soemthing needed to be done. I wouldn't characterize John as a simpleton but rather someone that put a great deal of thought into his decision.

While I can see some NR frustration with such steep increases i still think the cost impact was overblown. If a couple hundred dollars was going to make it so that you could not hunt then you should not have been going in the first place. Most of us piss away a few hundred dollars a year on coffee or soda.
I said simpletons because of the run of bills I have been reading about, I think the nonresident tags would still get sold, but the increase could make some hunters spend less on other tourist related things.
Here's to hoping the preference point bill is now more palatable to our legislator's given its revenue generating potential...
"Here's to hoping the preference point bill is now more palatable to our legislator's given its revenue generating potential"

***If they vote based on pure money to be made, it is chump change in the overall budget picture, especially for all the problems it will create within ten years or less if it passes.
"Here's to hoping the preference point bill is now more palatable to our legislator's given its revenue generating potential"

You dont' really care about revenue for the G&F. It's all about you and your selfish area 90 deer tag. Me,me,me.....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-13 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]Topgun-you keep talking about these preference point problems? do all states have these problems, are some different?
Have you ever thought that there might be a problem with random draws?

I have probably been playing this game longer than you have, and one thing is for sure, everything is always changing, you cant stop it.

Western big game Hunting has problems no doubt, an increasing human population, climate change, shrinking habitat,
plant succession, budget cuts, a national recession, and most of all, a bunch of people trying to make money off of the public resource.

As far as sharing the publics wildlife resource goes, every state has a little different set of circumstances to deal with when it comes to distributing tags, and all systems have drawbacks.
Over a multiple year period (2yrs -10yrs or whatever) Wyomings random resident draw cannot be beat as far as an unequal distribution of tags to applicants.
Have you ever thought that some people might see that as a major problem? and is it wrong to see that as a problem?
>You dont' really care about revenue
>for the G&F. It's
>all about you and your
>selfish area 90 deer tag.
> Me,me,me.....

Na, its just one me...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-13 AT 10:25AM (MST)[p]piper---Every state has problems with tags when using a PP system of any sort. The fewer tags issued and the more people applying, the more problems there are. Your second to last sentence is really ludicrous and isn't backed up by any statistics! If it can be, show me! Yea, I can see you and Triple_BB and others that won't admit the true facts would have a problem. Anyway, I really don't know why you continue to beat a dead horse and want to discuss this any further when you won't admit or understand that RANDOM means everyone has a chance every time they apply compared to a little chance at a tag in hard to draw areas under a PP system. Sure, you may get one or two fairly hard to draw tags over 10 years in a PP system. Then again, you might just draw that tag every year for 10 years in a random system because that's what random means. It's possible, but not likely. Statistically it certainly would be more possible in a random draw than in any PP one. You guys want an assurance that you'll draw a tag in a certain amount of time and that is never assured no matter what system is used unless you're the only one applying for a particular tag.
triple_bb...I'm going to draw a unit 90 deer tag this year.

When I draw this year, it will make 2 in a row, the first 2 times I've ever applied for it.
Im beating a dead horse and your not?
I didn't say anything about being assured a tag.
I do prefer a system that distributes tags over a wider group of applicants than a strict random draw does, (over a multiple year time frame).
That can be through a bonus point system, a preference point system, even a waiting period. The options are many, and nothing is perfect, but In my opinion most are better than the current RANDOM draw.

It is winter and I could use the money, I guess a thousand dollar bet would entice me to get on the phone and dig up old statewide stats on the different drawing options, and how it effects the distribution of tags.

How about using Wyomings stats? prior to the non resident preference point system and after, how many different people drew tags during the previous 5 years before the system was implemented and how many different people after, all of this in comparison to the number of tags available and the number of applicants, ect.

Kind of complicated, but it could be worth it?.
What do you think topgun?, we could set something up.
Good luck with that. Hopefully I'll be drawing it for the first time. However, If I don't, I'll be doing another guided deer hunt. I like to think of it as a win/win...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-13 AT 03:28PM (MST)[p]Luck?

Last year I drew all my first choice tags...deer, elk, antelope, both type-1 and type-6 in Wyoming. Never had drawn any of the type-1 areas before.

Also drew muskox in AK, first time I ever applied.

Also drew a NR Desert Sheep tag in AZ (random draw).

Also drew an AZ NR bull elk tag (2nd in a row and 3rd since 2008).

I'm already planning my 2nd in a row unit 90 deer hunt...its in the bag.

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