License Fee 2015

The earliest there will or can be any increase is in the 2016 seasons because the Legislature won't even take up fee increases in next years session until most of the application periods are open or done.
They are going to raise the tag prices again?? Seems like they do it every 3-4 years. I think a deer tag is $320 for a NR. I think that's pretty high as it is.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>They are going to raise the
>tag prices again?? Seems like
>they do it every 3-4
>years. I think a deer
>tag is $320 for a
>NR. I think that's pretty
>high as it is.

Look at Montana's price, when I applied last year it was around 650-680 is I recall correctly... I decided I wont do that again!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-14 AT 10:35PM (MST)[p]>They are going to raise the
>tag prices again?? Seems like
>they do it every 3-4
>years. I think a deer
>tag is $320 for a
>NR. I think that's pretty
>high as it is.

Nobody knows what will happen until various bills are introduced when the Legislative session starts next year. They have to go through committee hearings before any can be passed and put up for debate and voting amongst the entire group. NR fees haven't been raised in almost twice as many years as you mentioned and you obviously haven't looked at tag prices in all the other states if you're complaining about the $320 deer tag price. When I pay $1400 for gas like I did on my recent 2014 trip I don't even give the tag prices a second thought!
The price I can live with. it's screwing with the NR quota I'm worried about. who cares what it costs if you don't get one.

Stay thirsty my friends
$1400 for gas? Do u live in Alaska? Other states I put in for are cheaper than WY. My son drew a $35 az jr tag last year. That's the deal of the century! $1400?? Omg

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
>$1400 for gas? Do u live
>in Alaska? Other states I
>put in for are cheaper
>than WY. My son drew
>a $35 az jr tag
>last year. That's the deal
>of the century! $1400?? Omg

Nope, I live in Michigan, but I was out there for 7 weeks and the gas costs added up! I wish the price had been down like it is right now, as we're at $2.49 right now for 87 octane that I burn in the PU. Pulling a 19' trailer really cuts down on gas mileage and a terrible wind all the way home had me between 7 and less than 9 mpg, so I saw a lot of gas stations coming back.

Yep, there are some cheaper tags around and youth tags in most places are a good deal and should be! By pulling that trailer and staying in it for 7 weeks I definitely came out ahead though, as could you imagine what motel bills would have cost for that length of time!
>The price I can live with.
>it's screwing with the NR
>quota I'm worried about. who
>cares what it costs if
>you don't get one.

I agree with your post 100% and all of us NRs should be because a decrease in NR tag allocations appears to be coming in the next year or two from what some in the know out there are saying.
Same here, the price increase doesnt bother me too much. But when they cut a NR quota for an area but leave it OTC for residents it drives me nuts.

>The price I can live with.
>it's screwing with the NR
>quota I'm worried about. who
>cares what it costs if
>you don't get one.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Couldn't agree more!!! They keep cutting nr region g and h tags but won't even limit resident numbers.
I feel residents should have to at least pick a region.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-14 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]I just received my copy of the 2014 Wyoming Outdoors publication that the Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association puts out each Fall. There is quite an article covering two full pages under the title "Wyoming Hunter Defense Fund". It was established specifically to counter House Bill 112 that was introduced by Robert Wharff (yep, our beloved Smokestick), Executive Director for WY SFW, and backed by some key legislators. It would cut all NR tags from the present percentages to a 90/10 resident/NR split! The article is very informative as to how many millions of dollars the NRs represent to the Wyoming G&F Department and the entire state as a whole and the figures are staggering! According to the stats it would leave a $7 million gap in the G&F budget that would take a 250% increase in resident hunting license prices just to cover that loss alone! The WYOGA has already put money into the fund since they would obviously be greatly affected by the huge reduction of NRs availing themselves of their services. Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out to everyone and I thought this thread was a good place for it. If it doesn't result in a lot more posts and conversation, I can always make a new thread out of it because of it's importance to all of us.
Cutting NR tag allocations for Deer, Elk and Antelope is dumb. No reason for it at all. Us residents can hunt those three every year with minimal effort. I do support a change in allocation for moose and sheep however. But only if it comes with a license fee increase for resident licenses. The state gives away tags to residents. Perhaps a stepped approach over a few years as well as announcing the change now but not starting for a few years would help lessen the sting to those NR's that have committed to the PP game for so long. Also help them determine if they want to keep playing. I imagine any change would still feel like a punch in the gut though.
I can understand what you mentioned about the moose and sheep tags, but that also ends up screwing people as you mentioned like it does any time you tamper with a system after it's inception.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-14 AT 12:49PM (MST)[p]Wyoming is a great value for the dollar and I would pay more if forced to do it. Won't give it voluntarily, but will pay it in the end. Expect a 10-15% increase for 2016.

Wyoming will only cut the nonresident percentage on moose, sheep and mountain goat. Every other state gives 10% or less of their sheep tags to nonresidents so why shouldn't Wyoming do the same?

WYGOA are only fighting the proposed percentages because they want the nonresident cash. WYGOA put the Wilderness Law into place and that effects more of us than a few sheep or moose permits. This nonresident hopes WYGOA loses whatever battle they fight when it comes to hunting opportunity.
>WYGOA are only fighting the proposed
>percentages because they want the
>nonresident cash. WYGOA put
>the Wilderness Law into place
>and that effects more of
>us than a few sheep
>or moose permits. This
>nonresident hopes WYGOA loses whatever
>battle they fight when it
>comes to hunting opportunity.

Part of that statement might have some truth to it.
The balance of your statement is just stupid and shows that you have no stake in moose, sheep goat hunting in Wyoming. It's obvious why you don't care, like someone who has been playing by the rules of the game for over a decade and a half!
But...everyone is entitled to an opinion, even dumb ones.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-14 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]Well I was smart enough to get out the Wyoming game for moose, sheep, and mountain goats. Smart enough to know that the rules can change and man enough to understand it. Also smart enough to see that the WYGOA has taken far more opportunity from me with the wilderness law.

So why don't you head down to the next wildlife board meeting in Salt Lake and tell them you think nonresidents should receive 25 percent of Utah's sheep, moose, and mountain goat tags. Or do you think 10 percent is sufficient?

Thanks for the 11 year old response: "stupid" "dumb". Really? Way to go, Zeke.
>Thanks for the 11 year old
>response: "stupid" "dumb". Really?
> Way to go, Zeke.

You're welcome. But I'll try yo do better next time.
We obviously disagree on shifting the rules in the middle of the game (thank GOD you're so smart and got out of the game... or were never involved in the first place, which makes your opinion worth... well... you know)
BTW: why do I need to like your opinion when you don't like mine? You are, however, entitled to one, albeit misguided (according to my opinion).
I think I need to eat some crow as I have been wrong in my thinking. I had for several years been under the impression that draw odds overall were better for Non Res applicants for sheep and moose than for resident applicants. Well I did some checking and that is not correct. There are units that NR's can draw with fewer points than residents but not many. Overall it is slightly harder for NR's with moose and much harder for NR's with sheep given that there is no NR tag for many units. Given that I finally did my homework, I am finding it hard to see why an allocation reduction for moose and sheep is warranted.

I am not sure if this changed in the last few years but I had it stuck in my head for the last 6 years that odds were better for NR's. I feel foolish for not putting more thought into it sooner.
Never said you needed to like my opinion. You took it upon yourself to disparage my opinion so I responded. If my "opinion worth... well... you know" then why take the time to respond?

Rules change all the time. In the past 20 years Colorado changed the hunting and drawing rules, so did Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Kansas, Idaho, California, and Arizona. Utah is looking at changing the deer points next year.

So when are you heading to Salt Lake to ask the wildlife board to give nonresidents 25% of the oil tags and be the same as Wyoming? It would be fun to watch.
Yes, it's a touchy subject to me and I guess I cannot expect you to understand since you're "out" of the game.
If you've followed any of my posts (But why would you? I'm a nobody) you'd know that I think it would be more "fair" if all States would give more tags to NR hunters. Hell man, we're all in this together..... or are we?
As you know, the States are given charge to manage the wildlife within their boundaries and sometimes it includes NR hunters and sometime it does not. It's the points-bait and switch that make things hard to swallow. Time, money, dreams, I'm certain you can follow since you're obviously avid. However, there's too much me, me, me in the world so the rules will always get changed to suit some at the disadvantage of others.
We don't agree and I have no idea why you'd throw up that first post, unless simply because it has no affect on you. I know ZERO NR hunters who like game-changers when there's so much already invested.
I'm still perplexed by your initial post.
Zeke---There are always going to be some like this member that don't have any stake in something and, therefore, could give a ##### about everybody else. Any time the game is changed after it's inception like we're talking about here, there are going to be a lot of faithful people with lots of money and years invested like yourself that get screwed! The shame of it is that it's almost always the NR that gets the shaft and we have no vote in the matter other than where we spend our money. That really doesn't get us anywhere either because there is always someone that will step in and pay the big bucks to cut in line and get what they want.
Zeke, you refer back to my first post so let's look at it.

First I expressed that Wyoming offers great value. Judging by your posts I think you'd agree.

Second I expressed an understanding as why Wyoming might go to a 10 percent quota on sheep, moose, and mountain goats because most all other states have a similar quota.

Third I expressed my displeasure with the Wyoming Outfitter Association. Mostly because they keep nonresidents out of wilderness areas.

Never said I liked the percentage change and never said it is what I wanted. This guy invested a lot into Wyoming over the years and cashed out when I saw the direction it is headed. Over the past 15 years we have seen less permits and higher fees. The quota change has been floated for 4 or more years. Lower permit numbers due to the major die-offs is the cause for them to consider changing the quotas. Quota change would have no legs if there were 2 or 3 times the permits which would lessen the wait to draw.

There is no perfect draw system. There is no way to forsee the issues which may arise. Who would have thought moose tags in Wyoming would have been cut by 60 percent in a decade. That sheep tags would decrease. Everything changes at some point. Even with the 25 percent quota, there is no way one could reasonably advise a 15 year old kid to apply for sheep or moose in Wyoming. They are lifetimes back in line and who knows what the cost and availability will be in 4 decades. And we expect no change when the future is so bleak for so many?
Don't blame the Wyo G&F, they have nothing to do with any future changes in license allocations. Hate us Wy residents, we are the ones pushing it.
Wow 2-point,
I don't know what to say but thanks for the pontification. I couldn't tell if you were trying to convince me or you that you know so much.
So, since you saw it coming, how did you cash-in your sheep, moose, goat and bison points?
We agree on many things but there are a few subtleties on which we don't.
Have a good "application season". It's right around the corner and I hope the best for us both!
>Wow 2-point,
>I don't know what to say
>but thanks for the pontification.
>I couldn't tell if you
>were trying to convince me
>or you that you know
>so much.
>So, since you saw it coming,
>how did you cash-in your
>sheep, moose, goat and bison
>We agree on many things but
>there are a few subtleties
>on which we don't.
>Have a good "application season". It's
>right around the corner and
>I hope the best for
>us both!

Goat and bison points?
Thanks for the correction jm77. I lumped them in because the NR quota is on the chopping block with sheep and moose. Certainly my error!

TG, I don't want to beat this to death.. too much, but it's one of those things of importance to me and many NR hunters and I get annoyed when someone pops off who has no stake in the game.

PS: jm77 is correct about the G&F. They are not the group who desires to slash the NR quota, it's the resident hunter and I don't "hate" them for it. I just wish they'd do a little math and see how little it will do for them and how drastically it will affect their fellow sportsmen. Oh well, we shall see.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-14 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]Zeke,

Let me ask you an honest question here, and I'm not trying to call you out or be a smartass.

Could you provide a list of things you've done to increase NR quotas for sheep, moose, goat, bison, elk, etc. in Utah? How much did you fight the expo tags where UTSFW essentially stole NR tags and put them back in the Resident pool?

Its one thing to "say" that you support NR hunters in your state, its another whole thing to actually put forth an effort to get legislation/regulation passed to do so.

I understand, and sympathetic to NR's that have applied in Wyoming for a long time and your bait and switch argument. I get it. However, what about the RESIDENTS that have also applied for a long time?

Also, if you want other states like Wyoming to fight for you as a NR hunter, perhaps you should lead by example and fight for NR's in your state.

I haven't seen quota increases for NR's in Utah
>Don't blame the Wyo G&F, they
>have nothing to do with
>any future changes in license
>allocations. Hate us Wy residents,
>we are the ones pushing

I would hope that most people are up on that fact and that all this stuff goes through the Legislature with the G&F not recommending anything on these tag allocations. Hey Jeff, we don't hate you guys, but a few need to get a clue. As Zeke mentioned, if this would be introduced and be passed, it's not going to amount to that many more tags for the residents or change the poor drawing odds that much, but it will sure bite the NRs that are providing the bulk of the money to the G&F budget to keep things running in Wyoming.
Well Buzz,
You're right. I see where you're going with this.

I have not lead the charge to increase the NR tags in Utah but I've not lead the charge to reduce them like some have in other States. I do, however, support the "NR only" expo tags and many think NR should not have any of them. I've always tried to help residents and NR hunters and fail to see the lines being draw based solely on one's home State. Too many guys shun the NR hunter like they're a second-class citizen and I've never ascribed to that philosophy.
When a Utah sheep tag is drawn by NR in Utah, there is a good chance that the NR hunter can hunt a wider range of units than the resident hunter. I've never fought against that even though it's not "equal" footing.

I think it's less about the quota and more about changing the rules of the game once someone has played for decades (damn points). The whole "us v them" & "fair and equitable" thing makes me a bit ill!

Thanks for the shout.


Thanks for the honest response.

I don't expect you to fall on your sword over helping NR hunters in Utah get a bigger piece of the wildlife there. I also think its a big ask of you and other NR's, to expect Wyoming Residents to do the same.

It would have been nice to see you not support UTSFW when they stole NR tags for the expo, however. It would also be nice to see you drop your support of the UTSFW cancer...just sayin'.
I've certainty dropped my "support" of Wyoming SWF.
They are NOT the friend of the NR hunter and from what I've heard, they are not the friend of very many residents either!

Everything is worth taking a look at.
Thx Buzz,
>I've certainty dropped my "support" of
>Wyoming SWF.
>They are NOT the friend of
>the NR hunter and from
>what I've heard, they are
>not the friend of very
>many residents either!
>Everything is worth taking a look
>Thx Buzz,

I think one of the only arguments that my buddy Zeke and I have ever really tussled about is the SFW. Zeke, if you dropped support of the WYSFW, then I would suggest you also drop your support of the UTSFW because I think most of us believe that Bob Wharff is getting his marching orders and monetary help to stay afloat from either DP or UTSFW or both no matter what he says!!! However, it's impossible to prove since they won't even open their books to their own main Cody Chapter that ended up bailing out and forming their own organization. I think many feel that Bob introduced that Bill last year that would decimate the G&F budget for only one purpose and that's to have a better chance at creating an Expo type tag deal in Wyoming to claim that's the ideal way to bail the G&F out of financial problems. I'm sure he would say no way and come up with some kind of BS, but most everyone on this site have him figured out.

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