liberal professor



I am in a Botany class (degree reqiurement). I really hate this class, and its professor. The first day of class she lectured for a hour and a half about how religion is a major player in climate change... Anyways on to the fun part of the story. right now she is teaching about genetics, mutation, adaptation etc. So I decided to get off the internet and pay attention because i wanted to set her up. I asked if introducing a non-native species into a ecosystem would be bad or good for the ecosystem. she replie That would be terrible especially if it was a predator. Because then the predator would likely expand with no natural predators and could collapse the entire ecosystem. So I said "Oh you must have been against the introduction of wolves to yellowstone then" BAM liberal explosion... she and several other people started back peddeling and saying that wolves were native until we killed them all. I declared no we introduced a different species of wolve, a wolf that is larger and more aggressive. they tried to argue, didnt work. So I decided to entertain their idea, I said "ok since we settled the west we have been slowly killing off the wolves, and in the 40s we finally killed off the wolves. The animals in the ecosystem have adapted (she calls adaptaion mutation)over the past 100+ years to less and less wolves, and then for 50 years no wolves at all. Then we just throw in several packs and think everything will be ok? This is where she forcfully changed the subject and i got alot of laughter and applause...
Well Done. If she's like most liberals she with dream up some numbers she will claim as facts to back up her dilusioal views so be ready to be bombarded with BS. I hope she dosen't take it out on your grade. Later Baker
I dont really care about the grade, if she fails me i will take the class again and make it the most miserable 3 months shes ever had.
Weber state university. this is my 2nd semester and first experience with a true libtard.

Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to
get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little
boy puts up his hand and Obama asks him his name.

" Stanley ," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Stanley ?"

"I have 4 questions:

First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the

Second, why are you President when John McCain got more votes?

Third, whatever happened to all of the jobs you were going to
Fourth, why don't you enforce our current immigration laws?

Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that
they will continue after recess.

When they resume Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right:
question time. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand.

Obama points him out and asks him his

"Steve," he responds.

"And what is your question, Steve?"

Actually, I have 6 questions:

First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the

Second, why are you President when John McCain got more votes?

Third, whatever happened to all of the jobs you were going to

Fourth, why don't you enforce our current immigration laws?

Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?

And sixth, what the hell happened to Stanley

I am curious to know if it is the same professor I had for botany/herpetology many moons ago.

I caused quite a ruckus during a field trip where we were picking up desert tortoises to examine them, trapping rattlesnakes and relocating them and other neat stuff-until I found out WSU did not have a permit to do any of it, and a lot of the species we were capturing were considered threatened, and handling tortoises was an absolute no-no, as it tends to spread a disease that was decimating the population at the time.

I asked in the middle of the trip to see the permit allowing us to mess with all these species, and damn near found myself walking back from Beaver Dam wash.....
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-11 AT 02:31PM (MST)[p]I thing this professor is talking out her @$$! First off botany is the study of plants, so her reasoning behind religion and the climate change has no standing unless she can prove that how plants were used in religious practices/or the types of plants being planted by people and their religious beliefs told them what to plant would be the only standing that she has to make her argument viable. Also since it is a botany class she should have kept to plants and not wondered off onto the biology of mammals (BTW good way to bait her into the discussion), I think you made a viable argument. Most of her sources are probably from liberal minded conservation efforts (Friends of Wildlife, Sierra Club, etc.)
And the horses/mules ARE destroying plants (rather than destroying elk, like the wolves).

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Her explanation of religion was simple really. Since Christians (her main target) believe they will go to a better place, they do not care about this world. Thus they can destroy it and pollute it (global warming/climate change depending on your agenda)without concern. I tried to offer some defense on this one, but it seemed the majority of my class was on her side so I could hardly get a word in, and when i did put a good point across I was ignored even laughed at and the subject would change. I thought college was supposed to be a learnign enviorment where you listened to everyones opinions, and had positive discussions about it. but not in this one!
For the most part college is a great learning environment except when you get a professor that all they want done is for you to regurgitate whatever BS that dish out to you; which is what it sounds to me what you got. So is she the only professor for the subject? I bet even worse that she is the science department head? So am I right on both of these? College is supposed to be an exchange of ideas, life experiences, values, etc. however some professors believe they are the end all be all and basically the only opinion that matters.
I had bosniak taking a botany class last semester. same argument, same retardation running rampant through the liberal professor mindset. I got a D and he told me it was for my attitude. I guess being right won't get ya an A!

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Those types of professors I have learned that they are right and everyone else better agree with them or you will suffer their wrath. It isn't fair, you should be given the grade for the quality of work that you do, and the professors should be non-biased and objective in their lectures and grading on essay and short answer questions due to the fact that multiple choice and true/false questions there is no shades of gray in the answer, plain black and white.
I graduated from WSU in 2007. Had to take a lot of Life Science courses... Every single one of those professors was the most stubborn liberal I had ever met... They are full of BS and are indoctrinating way too many young minds with opinion rather than a true education. My professors in the Psychology department were nowhere near as liberal...

This is a fun story... Thanks for sharing

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-11 AT 06:08PM (MST)[p]I had a few really good Professors.

They're weere othirs thad mace mi hapi thate I wil neber steppe foote inn an Kollege/Universityy lol...

Its good for them that they don't have to actually work in the "real" world!
I took english 1010 last semester and had one of those artsy poem loving opera watching professors. and he turned out to be a really good professor. I enjoyed his class and didnt want to kick anyones ass when i had to read a poem. he was obviosly opinionated but kept it to himself and i think gave me a very fair grade.
>her name is Barbara A. Wachocki.
> I dont think she
>is the department head.

Be sure on that, at the end of the semester there should be a critique of the the course. Get together with the ones in the class that agree with you for the most part and write your "constructive comments" on her teaching methods/attitude. If she is one of those professors that is tenured then you will at least be heard officially, but not much will be done. If she isn't tenured then maybe it will force her to take a look at things. I left a less than positive review for an instructor this past semester, even though I got an A in the class i let the teacher know that I was displeases with the course and some of her other methods. It was an online course which had a chat function through the school website for the class, but she wanted us to use Yahoo IM to talk during her "office hours". Bad thing is since she is I guess a part time teacher for this course they won't let her go, in fact I checked to see if she was still listed for the course and she is still there.
I read from your thread that the class is a requirement. What will it do to your schedule in having to retake the course? You are not going to be able to confuse her w/the facts, her mind is made up. I believe that it was Reagan that said, "You can always tell a liberal, but you can't tell them much."

My advice (Unsolicited and worth what you paid for it) keep your mouth shut and try to pass the class.

If she is vindictive, you just flunked.
John 14:6
Universities and Colleges are the heart of liberalism in this country. Anyone who really believes the nonsense about "free exchange of ideas and debate" hasn't spent much time at one of our institutions of higher education lately. In the minds of a large percentage of the faculty, these institutions exist solely to indoctrinate youth in liberal philosophy. It is a rare professor that can tolerate intellectual debate and curiosity in the classroom.
Good luck at Weber State. You will need it.
Haha I had her as well and she is nuts. I was very "liberal" on my course evaluation and told them exactly what I thought. She is a deadwood professor that will be there for life so no use in fighting it. I am about to graduate from WSU and my one beef with Weber and education in general is that it is next to impossible to get very much turn around in the professors up there; some are awesome but some are terrible and they get their paycheck the same.

Just for fun I posted a copy of a link to this thread to Weber's facebook page and it was nuked immediatly! :)
People give BYU a lot of crap. But say what you will about it, they probably have the highest percentage of non-libtard professors of any University in the country.
That is very good advice, my problem is I have always had a problem keeping my mouth shut! lol
Did she constantly make comments about global warming and religion. She cant say anything without throwing in a comment about one or the other and how non believers or believers (depending on the subject) are somehow idiots.
She doesn't happen to have an unintelligible French accent does she...?? And a Japanese last name...??

LOL- if so, I hated her more than any other professor I had...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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