Leupold RX-1000 users??


Long Time Member
I'd like to hear from anyone that used the newer Leupold RX=-1000 this past season. I'm considering one. Thanks, mtmuley
In a nutshell the Leupy rangefinders really suck. We used this particular ranger antelope hunting, and one of the hunters Brunton rangefinders was much better. We also had a Bushnell 1200 ARC ranger mule deer hunting and it performed much better than the Leupold. The Bushnell actually performed without a hitch. The Leupy is much too confusing and didn't give a readout 50% of the time.
I used one this year and really like it. Not sure about the previous posters experience, but mine worked flawlessly. The unit is solidly built and easy to use, once it is set up. I still need the manual to set it up, but once it is set up, just point and shoot. The size is great and I would certainly buy it again.

The only thing that I can say I don't like is the magnetic flap on the case. When removing the rangefinder from the case make sure that you close the lid softly. The magnets are strong and make an audible click. I know this from experience!
much better than previous models. I had used a buddy's leica for a season and tried an older leupold. Figured I would just by a leica but decided to give the new leupold a try and it performed flawlessly - as good as the leica in my opinion. A great unit that I am happy with and I am a picky researching type of guy!
I understand that the newer model is better than the previous offering. Also, doesn't the RX-1000 come in a model without all the "bells and whistles" so to speak? mtmuley
The simple model is very good and easy to use. Great red LED readout is nice on the eyes. The other model has all the compensations. When I looked through that one it was like looking at a computer. Bow mode, rifle mode, etc. I like the simple version and it is very small and easy to use.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-10 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]The old models sucked. The new model is sweet. I love the red display and it ranged perfectly this year for me. I chose it over the Nikon I had and the Leica I was going to get... Very easy to use as well.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Not what you asked about but might be of intrest to you. I have a new RX-3 works great until it's cold. Below 15 degs. First time it screwed me was last year in CO. elk hunting 3rd season. Thought low battery my fault. This year i was bow hunting NM in Jan. it failed me on a 179 IN. deer. Talked with a few guys that own one, same problem.

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