Leupold Golden Ring 15-30x50 spotting scope review



I'm looking for thoughts on the Leupold Golden Ring 15-30x50 spotting scope. Does anyone have one and whats your take on it's performance? Thanks!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-06 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]My buddy bought one. took it out for a test and i have to say this... AWSOME! so compact, clear to the edges, and a nice glass all around. a perfect backpack spotter. go for it, the only thing it will lack is low light performance at high magnification in the low ligt times because of the 50mm. but it is worth the trade for the size
I've got one and would have to say that Schmalts pretty well nailed it. It is extremely compact and does very well until the sun starts to go down. I wouldn't trade it for anything when the hunt may require a lot of leg work.

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