Leupold custom BDC dial


Very Active Member
I just had the custom elevation dial made for my .280 and all I can say is WOW! After zeroing at 100 yards I set out 5 milk jugs of colored water. One at 400 yards, one at 500, one at 600 and two at 800. I shot five rounds after dialing in at each of the ranges and killed five milk jugs. Absolutely AMAZING!! I highly recommend having one done.
I'm thinking of getting one for my 7mm mag,what all do I need to do and did you send the whole gun or just the scope. What scope do you have, I'm using the 4x12VII. It sounds great.
You just have to send in the scope. I have the VXIII in the 4.5X14 with the 30 mm tube. They recommend having the 30mm tube instead of the 1 inch because they have more room to play with but I think they can still do it on the 1 inch. I would call them up to see what they can do and they will also give you all the info. that they need to make an accurate dial.
I think you can buy the whole scope and BDC from them, Instaed of re-working a old scope I would just go with a new one, They will need alot of other information like Cal, Bullet weight, FPS Bullet BC, alitude Make sure you get the M1 style dial it has bigger numbers.
Gator, i think you have had yours a while, any problems with it returning to zero? mine stoped tracking correctly, after a little research, this is a famous problem with luepold. mine will be going to cecil tucker for the spring upgrade, luep will fix it back to normal, but refuses to adress the problem, i dont want to be on a hunt and have it fail.
reddog does cecil tucker do the worj=k or just the upgrade. I'm going to have it done, but is there anyone else who does the work or just luepold. Any info would help, thanks.
Jeff, i dont know the extent of cecil's upgrade, or other services, as i have not done it yet.

i do know it voids the leupold warrenty, somethin i will live with to have a scope that will track consistently.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-08 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]do you have cecil tuckers # I have tracking problems with my leupold scope.Danny googled name found it 1-432-530 -2919

what temp and elevation did you sight your gun in at. Did you have to resight your gun in for different zones, or have you never had to change anything.

I haven't really have to change anything, I have it set at 50 deg. and 6000 elev. but I sight it in at 4000 elev. and I can't really see much different in the impact of the bullet,I know others who claim it changes the bullet impact by a couple of inches.

I shoot all summer long in hot temps and it really doesn't change much IMO.

I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded.

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