Letterman or Leno??


Long Time Member
Leno is back in his old time slot, Letterman is Letterman and i'd probably pick him between the two.

I'm curious, who do you MMlr's like best, either of them or somebody else, and why? Thanks!!

My vote is for Jay Leno. I was glad to see Connnnan take a buy out, never liked him. But he is 40 Million richer.
Johnny Carson or Steve Allen.

The only thing I like about Leno is he is also a car guy. He has some outstanding muscle cars in his collection amongst everything else.
I can watch either and find both very entertaining but I can not find Kimmel the least bit funny. He is "unfunny" to say the least. I've youtubed Kimmel before and still can't find anything worth laughing about. How did this guy get on tv?
Both suck in my opinion. Too many snotty gun jokes that don't help us at all.
Both bring on way too many liberal, Hollywood types with big mouths, who expect America to believe their political opinion has ironclad value.
I feel like i'm playing to a tough crowd here! I like Rugarms answer best but this isn't a test. Most of us at one time or another will find ourselves laughing at something that one or the other of these guys say.

I rarely tune in on purpose but sometimes will if nothing else better is on or because of a special guest... Couple nights ago Sara P was on Leno...Sara P and Letterman, ah, i'll just say that they don't like each other. lol

Two different guys, two different styles of doing the same trade. What's so hard about picking a Fav? :) Thanks!!

rug - "either of them or somebody else, and why? Thanks!!". He is "somebody else"

zigga- You just don't understand Kimmels sarcastic humor.
I prefer Leno. I just like his political humor better. I don't take any of them seriously, and think anyone who does has a misplaced sense of perspective. I guess that means I'm answering Nickman to say "Don't worry, buddy." Those dipsh*t libs who believe the garbage his guests spout sometimes are dumb enough to believe it no matter where it's uttered.
>rug - "either of them or
>somebody else, and why? Thanks!!".
>He is "somebody else"
>zigga- You just don't understand Kimmels
>sarcastic humor.

lmao my bad I just wanted to bust your chops!!!
i'm proud to say i've never waisted 1 minute watching either one:)

now if ted nugent was a late night tv host, i'd have to start work later in the morning :)
OK, I apologise.

Failure to follow written instructions.

REVISION: I personally have no history of watching either of these gentlemen. Consequently, I should have kept my OPINION to myself instead of disrupting the topic as delivered.

As a side note, my Grandma thought Johnny Carson was the end all, be all.
HATE THEM BOTH...LETTERMAN (Only because he has a stocker!)
O'Brian was great! So I will wait a year!


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