Letter of inttent



My boy just signed his to play linebacker for CSU. Man I will be glad to get some rest tonight the last month has been a crazy ride !
Any one else a proud parent of a student athlete?
Here that! Treed
He is going to study to be a large animal vet as a major. His minor will be quarter back azz kick!!!!
Congragulations National letter of intent day is practically the only news we get on that day. But then this is Ne. and not Colorado so there is a lot less relevant news and only one major University and no pro teams.


If bowhunting was easy rifle hunters would do it...
Congrats to your boy. CSU is a good school, at least it was when I was there.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Congrats on going to the green and gold. Hopefully they will be a better team than they have been in years past. The veterinary school is a graduate program so tell your kid he needs to be in the top 1-2% of his major grade wise.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-11 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]Here that! Treed
Thanks everyone I am happy for him he has worked his azz off since pee wee ball. I am not sure if I am more proud of him in football or being a honor student he is not a dumb jock for sure! He almost signed with the cornhuskers but chose CSU !
My only regret is he did not follow his dad and play for The SOONERS
His little brother will hopefully be as good he is 6 years old and is almost 5 ft tall and fast as. Heck

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