Lets Talk Turkey


Long Time Member
So my son is age 10. Loves hunting and absolutely loves turkey hunting. We had Colorado figured out pretty well and got him a bird last year. I am hoping to find him some places to hunt this year.

First and Fore most is finding a good map of Turkey Distribution in the state. I have searched google and also at the WY website and could not find any detailed info on turkey. I was considering just hunting Nebraska since youth Lic are $8 each and might end up doing that...

But anyone willing to provide some tips etc.?
Black hills has allot of turkeys and allot of public land. And most places around the state with cotton wood creek bottoms you will find them mostly on private land but.ive found quite few land owners will let a guy shoot em they dont like them allot because they roost rite around their houses and make a mess
never killed one but it’s on my list to do, I hear black hills is good as mentioned above, hunted whitetails over there and bought a turkey tag just in case but all the birds we seen were on private
I lived in Sheridan for 4 years. When i first moved over the mountain to do my apprenticeship i stayed with my aunt and uncle till i found a place. All day every day they had 200 turkeys in the yard. 99 percent were hens and jakes. They would peck the windows. Chill on the porch. The gobblers stuck together in smaller groups. I just had to shoot one. Can buy over the counter in area 3
Was the easiest most boring hunt. Just say here Turkey and they came in. Only good was they ate grasshoppers. But in conclusion it wasnt a challenge. I even brought 3 freinds. We all tagged out in literally 2 minutes
The challenge is finding public land. Most ranchers want them out. Can even find turkeys by mcdonalds eating fries on the ground then they become road kill.
From Hulett south to Sundance the gobblers can be found on public pretty easily. Usually roosting along the streams. I’ve hunted many of them up near Cook Lake over the years also. Wyoming I’m talkin ....
I've hunted Merriam's on public and private land near Chadron the last several years, and will be there again in late April. There's lots of public land, some of it in small blocks. I can't remember the map I got that shows it, but I can dig it out if you want the name of it, and where I got it.

Driving across Nebraska, there is quite a bit of public land along I-80. I've never hunted along there, but we see lots of Eastern's.

I had to learn new tactics for the Merriam's. I feel like my calling is an asset in TN, but the M's don't respond. They hit the ground moving and the best thing I've found is to get where they're going before they do!
I mentored my grandson two years straight when he was 8 & 9 years old. Then he took his safety course for when he was 10. He's bagged a bird every year and none are easy. These birds are hunted like in the Hills.

There is no age limit for hunting turkey in Wyoming.
elks96 we have plenty of birds on public ground and many landowners will grant access, some charge reasonable fees.
sent you a pm

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